Hsinchu - Pokemon Trainer Walking X New Year Meetup - January 20th, 2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Hsinchu City of Taiwan
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Eat with Go cafe
(No. 93, Datong Road, North District,
Hsinchu City 300,Taiwan (R.O.C.)
:calendar: DATE: January 20th, 2024
:alarm_clock: TIME: AM 11:00 - PM 15:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

The 4th meetup of
Pokemon Trainer Walking Meetup

It’s honored to discover Pokémon
themed coffee in Hsinchu City!
That must be the best meetup location
:star_struck::star_struck::star_struck:Not only writing postcards
and playing Pokemon Go, together.
As the same, We have prepared recreation activity to win the meetup gifts
(Guess Pokemon, Turn supply station etc…)

:heart:And the most important
We would like to invite participants to
write blessings postcard to children
who have lost their homes.
:heart:If there have surplus from the meetup
will be donated to these children,too.

:orange_heart:Fee: 200NTD for each person
(including Venue fee, A cup of drink,
Five Meetup cards)
:orange_heart:15-20 participants only
Quota limited, register in advance.
:orange_heart:If you would like to join or receive
the meetup card.Please feel free to
comments or send messages via
U2U or contact:

————— Participants —————

  1. Komimi
  2. @ejru
  3. @yeh
  4. @henna168
  5. @betty19900131
  6. @YanZhenChen
  7. Jackly
  8. Annie Wu
  9. Yee Chen
  10. Ray Huang
  11. Linda Tsai
  12. @ChangHuiYi
  13. Shuxuan Lin
  14. @mayhsu921
  15. ChiaHui Chen
  16. YuChen Chen

Pokemon Trainer Walking X New Year Meetup

寶可夢玩家聚會 來到第四彈啦🤩



  1. 歡迎片友/寶友參加
  2. 明信片與報名表單預計 本週末發佈
  3. 所有 款項/明信片 當天交收
    (再麻煩盡量自備剛好的款項🙏 )
  4. 希望與會者能盡量全程參與
  5. 報名請這邊留言or U2U私訊 or 寄信至oyakomi@gmail.com
    (名額有限速速報名🧚🏻 )
  6. 歡迎自帶片響應 [轉動吧! 補給站] 環節
  7. 期待您一起來參加響應 :heart::heart::heart:




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Yay! 非常感謝一起參與響應活動 :partying_face: