How you do write a message on the back of a meetup card?

I usually try to have the cards in advance and write my message beforehand.

As with absolutely everything: some people like them, some don’t.

Some people, who got their first meeting card as an official card from me, were charmed by all the colourful (rubber) stamps of the nicknames. Personally I sometimes look, whether someone I have ever met has been to the meeting and I find some of the stamps people use very sweet or pretty!

If the card is beautiful and the postage stamp is special I am happy! :smiley:


Thank you for your point of view :blush:

By the way, of course I don’t expect every postacard to be a unique-message-true-connection-from-heart-to-heart-thing :smile: There is a lot of space between this and the other end of the spectrum and all of it is fine for me. Only no message makes me sad but that may be for a different discussion…


I went to my first meet-up last year and bought ten cards. I promptly put them in my bag because I didn’t want them covered with stamps and signatures :sweat_smile: I know that is not what members “normally” do at meet-ups, but I do not enjoy receiving meet-up cards with a bunch or stamps and signatures but no message, so I did it my way, which leaves plenty of room for a message.


One of the things that I like to do is write a message on a separate sheet of paper, fold it nicely and secure over the signatures with washi tape! I’ve sent several meetup cards like this with success. Just make sure that washi tape is secure :smiling_face:


If I don’t have time, I won’t write it down, but whenever possible,
I also write as short a message as possible on the Meetup card.
If you’re sending just one person, write the message directly on the card, but if you’re sending more than one person, write a post-it with a blank space for the message on the card, peel it off later, and write message.
Participants will skillfully secure a space on the post-it and sign it.
Please enjoy the meetup :blush:

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I know this will be very unpopular but I put them in an envelope. That way I can write where the address goes. It’s not my preferred way of doing it and if the recipient requests no envelopes then I respect their wishes.

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When postcards were first made, the sender could only write the message on the side with the image, and the message was limited to a certain number of words. The address side was only for the address and stamp. This postcard (not mine) was mailed in 1906 and shows a landmark in Zanesville, Ohio, USA. Maybe this style would be perfect for a meetup card.
