How would you feel if the recipient was trying to swap a card you sent?

So sad to read this. Just because someone or many others are recycling the cards and you choose not to keep making handmade cards? Why feel demotivate when I clearly enjoy making something and despite it will ended up in recycling centre. Will it make me feel better if I didn’t make them in the first place? I will be sad.


I might feel a bit bad about it. But then, it’s the persons choice and I can’t do anything about it. Moreover, I write the address and messages specific to the person to whom I am sending the card. Not sure how the new recipient of the card would feel about it. I definitely would not be happy to receive such a card


I think it is normal to feel disappointed. I am confused if this was a handmade card designed for the person specifically, if that is the case I can see why you are hurt. I have learned it is best to think of the postcard you send as belonging to the person and they are free to do with it what they want. We can not control other people and it is best to focus on what makes postcrossing fun for us. I keep all the cards sent to me even the ones with a generic message. I find something to enjoy about all of them! I love handmade cards no matter the skill of the person because I believe most people are putting in effort even if they are not great at it! I think try to focus on the fact that the person who they trade it to will enjoy it more than the other person.


Well. I personally will keep making handmade cards but I will only send them to people I know in real life who appreciate them or to people on the forum who specifically ask for them. In the past I sent some as official cards but I am not doing that often any more.


My pleasure often comes from reading the profile, matching a card and stamps, and writing hopefully a meaningful and relevant text. Once I put them in the postbox, they’re gone. Goodbye. I decorate rarely, and I’m not arty at all. So I’m not bothered by the addressee’s actions.

Furthermore, there are RR for written cards, not that I’ve considered participating so far, but just as an observation.


If we’re talking about a written card, I would have mixed feelings.

I would MUCH rather it be passed along than thrown away or recycled, because for me their longevity is the main point of postcards and letters vs. electronic or in person communication. I so love looking through old cards or letters from the past, and I’m trying to do my part to leave behind handwritten tidbits from this age where they are not so common. If someone’s just going to enjoy the card briefly, then recycle it, I could have saved myself the trouble and sent them an email instead. I don’t expect the recipient to necessarily keep it for the rest of their life, but I certainly hope they will at least respect the effort that went into creating something permanent, enough to give it the chance to be preserved by someone else. So part of me would think, “Good, they have the decency to find good homes for their unwanted cards.” :slightly_smiling_face:

Selling it at a flea market booth, or swapping it on an unrelated website, or giving it away to their friends or relatives, wouldn’t bother me at all, because it would just be going to a random stranger who’s very unlikely to know me.

On the other hand, if I sent a written card to another forum member and then saw them trying to swap it here on the forum it would probably make me a little uncomfortable, because it feels like we all sort of know each other. Someone I know but hadn’t intended it for seeing my message would feel like a slight privacy violation, even though I’m obviously not filling postcards with my deepest darkest secrets. Almost like if you tell something to a friend and they relate it to other members of your social circle without permission - not really a big deal, but uncomfortable none the less.

I also feel like here on the forum it would be easy enough to ask. If I wanted to swap a written card another member had sent me, maybe one where the message related only to the image on the card, I would shoot them a PM saying, “Hey, so-and-so is looking for that particular card for their collection, and has something I really want - would it be okay if I swapped the card you sent me?”

As for blank cards, I expect (and hope) that the recipient will eventually pass them along in written form, since that’s what postcards are for. I wouldn’t think of it as “re-gifting,” but as using a gift for it’s intended purpose.


No, it became clear they sent the used cards.
But I believe the admins contacted them, as they took that part in their profile away (which of course is not a guarantee of anything).

I think this (that members obviously so commonly sell and trade these) could be also the reason why some members prefer only write “Happy Postcrossing” or something similar. I’m thinking this, because some complain that they get unpersonal messages, but if the cards are passed on who knows where, who writes anything personal then.


Good question. Never thought about it before.
I guess I would feel uncomfortable first, than think about it rationally and eventually conclude it’s okay - or even best, because the card finally comes to someone who really wants it (like some here already pointed out).

I hear-feel your mixed feelings. It’s great that you notice them and started this discussion.


It wouldn’t upset me, but I can see why it would upset someone. I do my best to choose the perfect postcard and write a nice message but at the end of the day, the receiver only really knows their own preferences and collections. It is completely up to them what they do with it, in my opinion. I’d rather see the cards traded instead of trashed.

I might feel different if it was a handmade card though…

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Yes. I try to avoid duplicates, so it’s the easiest way. 10 of these boxes are only filled with cards from Germany. :joy:


I think I’m in love.
Books, boxes, postcards, Zen stacking rocks, your stretching figurine …so nice.
Thank you for sharing the picture.


With trades, round robins, lotteries, and gifts we all end up with extra cards…better to pass them along to someone who will enjoy more. But I find swapping used cards to be a bit unsavory (personally)


@Maloschi I really love those colorful storage boxes on your shelves! I use similar ones which I purchase at a craft store when they are on sale. Many years ago, I purchased some photo boxes that after I put my city views postcards in them, they fit perfectly (10.5 X15cm size). Sadly, the store dropped that product.


Ok, forgive the long reply, but I have a strong personal opinion I’ll share on this topic.
I am more into the written side, what is said, and decorations than the actual image. I have loved cards dearly without really liking the image.
It is similar with people,feeling what is on the inside that counts. For me the inside is the written side, but I mean this slightly less dramatically.

I know when people are swapping, it is for the aesthetic (the outside).I don’t believe it would upset me because I don’t think of them swapping the written side, which is the emotion. Swappers may be more interested in the outside (image) rather than the sentiment. That’s ok.
I struggled making my favorites because it really is about the sentiment. I think when the outside truly makes me happy is when I know there is a heavy sentiment demonstrated by either creating the card, or the fact it was chosen especially for me. They learned about me and looked at their collection and thought of me! Wow, so cool.
We all know how to purchase a pack of postcards online, so if that was what I preferred, I do it. The cards don’t mean much without the thought.


In that case, I don’t really think it’s okay to swap the card. I would feel it’s a violation of privacy - though, of course, I also know I can do nothing to prevent it. I wouldn’t mind someone sending a blank card on - maybe they found the perfect recipient for just that particular image? - but personal messages are a no-no. Also, I’d never want to give a handmade card away (it’s personal!), and I really don’t know why people do that.

Yeah. It’s really unpleasant. I mean, speaking as a collector, here: if you really want unwritten copies of certain (very expensive) postcard series, you can go and… buy them. Or swap for them on the forum. Cards received over Postcrossing, however, are not intended as currency. People whose profile consists of a list of certain series or publishers they’re looking for are a bit of a red flag to me, unless they really specifically want the cards written. I don’t mind doing a random person a favor, but sending something that I know will be sold just feels weird.


I find it a little weird swapping current, written postcards in general. I know in theory it’s the same as written postcards from 50 or 100 years ago but it feels different. Weirder still if the person who wrote the message can see it be offered up!

I personally love collecting old postcards but unless a modern one is addressed to me then I’d prefer it blank


If it was a card with a personalized message I would be upset (privacy and all that). Otherwise, I wouldn’t mind. Once the card is sent, it’s not mine anymore.



I saw swaps, trades, tags for “used cards”. Sometimes people write that they bought a vintage ebay lot, but some people swap and trade the cards received here, via Postcrossing.

I was wondering if it’s okay to offer for swap the cards you received at postcrossing. I mean, I don’t really feel comfortable doing that, because
a) the sender (supposedly) was choosing a card for me
b) the sender might possibly see me offering their card for swap and possibly get upset.
I understand most cards are printed in thousands and the chances of this are small, but never zero.
Would you be upset if you spot your card in such “used cards swap” album?

On the other hand, if I don’t like the card, and someone would be happy to have it, it’s a win-win.

And also, what do you do with those used cards when you receive them? :thinking:


Couldn’t find such a topic, please move if exists


I keep all cards I received in a series of binder sleeves based on size, and in a nice set of binders. I wouldn’t be upset per se if someone didn’t want my card, but I’d be surprised since I try to select and write mindfully.

Never have I ever sent a postcard that simply read the dreaded “Happy Postcrossing!”.


Hello Viktoria @LondonAddict :smiley: I feel almost the same as you. If people offer a card from me, it’ll make me a bit sad…but it’s ok about the card itself, because I gave it to them already. It’s theirs.
But what I wrote there matters, especially if there’s my private information like my name and address!
So, I feel comfortable if such used cards offer also says “those message and private information are already deleted / covered by stickers, etc” :blush: