How to report a user profile

It is a shame to complain and report trivial things at all. But some think it is an honor and a duty.


You are wrong! Of course everybody is allowed to write their wishes, it is just not allowed to make demands.


Why it would be shame?

There is a way to look it as in a helpful way too. “No vintage” is very wide no.
It might the person didn’t even think vintage can be the only thing someone has, so contacting the team might help him/her too. Team can then write, that they should rephrase it maybe, and know that they still might get a vintage card.

Think this situation happened to you, the only cards you have, are in the profiles no list.
I would send what I have, but write that I don’t have other cards, but of course there is nothing wrong in asking the Postcrossing team’s opinion.

Especially when some people think so bad about others, that if they get a card from their no list, they think it’s a punishment. When it can be all the sender had. (Of course some can send it as punishment, but I don’t want to believe all are doing so.)

Edit. For example, I didn’t think someone can have only vintage cards, as they are rare to me. If I had them in my preferrably no -list, I would not want to make anyone feel like it’s difficult to send a card to me, or they should shop more cards because of me.

You are not demanding, so there is no reason to report you so far.

Maybe you give this all a little time before you jump to reporting…

You will come across profiles that do demand.
You will come across profiles that say “don’t send me Other than…”
You will come across profiles that wish For certain series
/Charakter/etc. Providing a Link to their collecting, telling you to Check The collection to avoid dublicates. And even you Check only The collection to The Postcard you want to send (e.g. Cats or Teddy Bears) you “have to” Look through 600 or even over 1000 - in words: over onethousand Postcards!
If a Person wants to make The Person Happy THAT is hard. I would still Not Report The Person. Whatfor?!

Why do YOU do postcrossing? Because you would Like The receive nice Postcards? In that Case you should try to do The Same to Others …

some will Like your Vintage cards and If you have enough time left from reporting almost everybody - to actually write Postcards you will have Made plenty of people Happy with Them and Run Out of them quickly. Sooner or later you will have to buy more Postcards anyway. At least you live in The country of cheap postcard boxes… I live far away from everywhere. If i want to buy Cards in a Store (Not online) i need to buy single cards. i pay more than 1€ for that one Card. That’s more than 1$ For that one Card. Here are people from e.g. scandinavian countries. They pay even more. Be happy you can get cards in Bulk.

…i guess it depends in why you do postcrossing…


In some cases, I prefer to receive a cardboard piece than a card someone sent me just to get rid off. If I only had religious cards from my religion and sent everybody those, would I be reported or not? It is my right to not buy more cards and use what I have. Even if you write you wouldnt like religious cards…

Of course, nobody is required to have 1000 different cards to accommodate everybody’s likes. But reporting someone for stating a preference or non-preference needs some thought first. Would you like to be reported because you dont want to receive nudity cards for example?

take into consideration that for some, vintage means yellow cards in bad shape from the 60’s. Some love it, not all… maybe the user wanted to avoid that kind of cards.

In conclusion I’d send what I have, stating it is my only option right now and at the same time id try to add some variety to my cards in hand. It is a win-win


I’ve been around in the forum for 7 years now, but I never read a posting as inappropriate as yours! Who are you to judge what @yealin0911 is here for? And you cannot get postcards in your touristy area? Yealin0911 has just started with Postcrossing, do you really expect her to buy loads of different postcardboxes at the beginning?
And by the way: Postcrossing is exactly NOT about collecting postcards. Read the guidelunes and you will find out what it is about!


I’m trying to think that way you suggest- if I hadn’t… If I didn’t like… ect. The conclusion is that my problems are my problems, that’s no reason to blame another postcrossing member. So in this occasion, so in that another, before yesterday. I also absolutely don’t believe, that near Columbus there are no postcards to buy.
A small settlement in the far tundra- would be something else. But this is not the case.

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I agree. I list my preferences politely but I also say that I don’t care what they send. I know they broke the community guidelines, but they might have a reason. You are free to send whatever you have.

I wouldn’t report anyone sending religious cards. Like a church, a blessing, it’s part of their life and culture, and I’m ok with it, even though I’m not a member in any church.

But, for me certain kind of nudity, porn, violence and probably some other (rare ,rude) topics are something that I only send to the ones who like it (although I don’t have any). I don’t need a no list for that, because I would feel very weird sending that kind of card to anyone who doesn’t specially mention wanting these.


How near to Columbus in Ohio is she? The mailbox on the map means nothing! Columbus could be a 2 hours drive away. Would you really drive two hours to buy some postcards and then drive another two hours back home?


I wouldnt report them either… But also I would try to get myself some more types of cards in order to make others feel more at ease receiving my cards. To be honest I havent reported and would not report anyone easily. But that’s just me…


OK, but where there is any guilt of that another postcrosser? What about to report?

Sorry I don’t now follow.
I think no one isn’t blaming anyone here.
They just worry the profile says no to vintage, when it’s all they have.

And sure there are postcards, but the thing is, no one needs to buy postcards to a certain member, when they already have cards.


While I am a friend of (friendly) wishlists and while I don’t have an allergy against wordings that others read as demands and while I still have to find a profile I would report, simply because I don’t want to use my energy for that …

… I think it was okay for the OP, a very new user, to ask about the reporting.

As usual, we don’t know the profile discussed. If it was an One-liner in ALL-CAPS simply forbidding vintage cards, the friendly postcrossing team could indeed give some input. If it’s only that line among many other friendly words, the OP now knows that it’s not really worth a report in the eyes of many, but it’s still their right to if they really want.

In the end, it’s the postcrossing team task and honour to deal with such situations (‘problems’) of us users.

PS: if I were a beginning user, the tone in some postings would have been the end of my postcrossing ‘career’. Don’t know if we seasoned ones really have to be that dramatic very quickly.


As much as I dislike wishlists, if you report something like that you’ll soon have to report at least 50% of the profiles you encounter.

I felt very uncomfortable about wishes at the beginning but in the end I chose to stay around - you either accept people have these send/don’t send lists, or you’re not going to enjoy it here.

(Yes, I have a “don’t” because my phobia of insects is enormous).


I am soooo happy someone else uses that term rather than me :innocent::innocent::innocent:
P. S. Sorry for the off topic


I have visited far more touristy US cities than Columbus, OH and postcards are way less prominent than in Europe. Pedestrian zones are way less common in Boston, DC, SF to name a few and none of the shops have racks of postcards outside like in most cities, big and small, in Europe. Plus, it’s a pandemic.

Museums etc which will almost always carry postcards are still closed to the public.

So, please don’t judge.


Ok, I thing, you’re right. I will not judge either. But will be fine to see, that I am not that person who walks around, blaming everubody. Quite the opposite: I am trying to defend people who are completely strangers to me, but who are still my “brothers through postcrossing”, who are being offended by all sorts of complainants about trivia.

While I totally agree with you on the tone part, since things seem to go off the rails quickly, I don’t think that reporting another user is a good beginning to a postcrossing “career” either. Am I so wrong with that?