How to get people interested in stamp collecting?

The Ministry of Business and Made in Italy, responsible for issuing the new stamps in Italy, has created a questionnaire to ask citizens’ opinions on certain issues.

I report here some of the questions, because I think it is interesting to know the opinion of foreign philatelic enthusiasts. I can summarize your answers when I send my questionnaire response :slight_smile:

  1. Which themes could be issued to get young people interested in stamp collecting?

  2. Which themes may interest foreign collectors the most?

  3. How can new technologies meet the world of philately? What do you think of QR codes on stamps?

Thank you :slight_smile:

Here is the page with the questionnaire (only in Italian) if you want to know more about it :slight_smile:


Hi Irene,
Very interesting & proactive approach from the
Ministry of business & Made in Italy.
Equally eager to know how the hobby takes roots amongst the young enthusiasts.
Thanks for sharing.


Some thoughts on my end

I think historical themes will be interesting - it’s always good to learn of one’s own culture and history, for that is what shapes us to be this way today.

Only by learning from history can we stop repeating it.

Bright and vibrant colours on stamps won’t hurt either :wink:

Perhaps monuments of the country? Famous landmarks/tourist sites.
Universal themes too - think friendship, love, joy, peace etc.

Things that showcase a country: food, famous people, culture etc

Virtual reality stamps? Augmented reality stamps? The Hong Kong ones are really cool!

With regards to QR codes - I am for them if the QR code brings me to another page to tell me about the story of the stamp

I am more ambivalent if the code is there to prevent fraud - I do see the need for it, so the postal system won’t lose money, but I think it’s a bit underwhelming.

Hope this helps!


I collected stamps while in junior school. Our teacher brought in huge boxes of stamps and we could choose, collect and swap them. It was great fun and I continued with it long after leaving school. I think if they marketed stamps towards kids like the Pokemon craze it would keep Post Offices financially viable. QR codes, digital inks and amything kids like these days would work. It’s also educational and can be a good investment.


The USPS used to do this

Here’s a throwback to a 1988 ad:

As to how effective it was, you can decide for yourself :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


We left the US in 1981 (about the time I stopped collecting) but that would have had me hooked! Stamps were pocket-money purchases. Nowadays, kids have credit cards! :flushed:

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Irene, thank you for sharing us questionnaire. Very kind gesture from your Ministry.
Well, I read all questions from link you have posted. And, I will try to give some answers from my point of view.
Recently, when I join postcrossing, I notice some participants among teachers who motivate kids in school to write letters. I think this is good way to promote post stamps using for the paper letter exchange in purpose of learning foreign language. So, let encourage teachers to introduce such communication skills among children. Any theme on the post stamps, concerning to this approach is welcome.
Regarding this, I would prefer to nurture values of patience, anticipation and surprise. Instant results, messages, responses, are most desirable today, but with postcards and post stamps is not like that. So, revealing the image of the postal cards in advance is not good idea. Announcing the subject or theme on annual level in example, or describing program of issuing for whole year in advance is fine.
Italy has long and rich history. As foreigner, I will be always interested in famous people, cultural heritage and historical facts from Italy. Also, natural beauties, and food from Italy.
Answers on the question about new technologies in philately should search in technology of making paper money. Maybe this is not cost reliable approach, but for sure can get new ideas in making modern post stamps. Post stamps are made to transfer the message, and today messages could be not only what we can read or see on the postcard, letters etc, but also the information on the post stamps. So, augmented reality stamps, stamps with QR codes are fine, until they really doing the transfer of good vibes.
Finally, I think the best example for stamps dedicated to celebrating living people is sport ambassadors.


For themes for stamps to get young people interested.

For the arty types - More competitions to design stamps so that they can see their stamp being used.

Social media influencer stamps, Mr beast, sidemen for example. Or just stamps to do with social media, tiktok, Facebook, YouTube.

Current video games, for example hogwarts Legacy, Sims 5. Whatever is just being released at the time.

For themes for foreigners.

I am a sucker for big cats and pretty local scenery. I’m thinking rivers, lakes and rock formations. Also anything to do with soil and plants.

As for qr codes, I hate qr codes on stamps. I dislike how they look. If I could take the qr code of the stamp I would.

  1. Which themes may interest foreign collectors the most?

I once received an Italian postcard with a basil stamp on it. I thought that was the coolest thing ever - I’d love to see some more cultural food stamps from around the world.


I have often wondered about the same thing … and then I started writing about it on LinkedIn. If you go to you will see what I’ve written about the “non-philatelic value of stamps”.
Other than that, I use them as often as I can to decorate my cards - if anyone is interested, go to my profile to see more.

I loved the castles series that Italy put out in the 80’s. Was very proud when I completed the entire series. Would be nice if they brought back that idea, but with larger and more colorful photograph stamps.


I love that castle series too!

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