How to buy Greek stamps from outside of Greece?

Dear Greek Postcrossers, I hope you can help me out. I will go to Crete at the end of August and wanted to buy a selection of nice stamps upfront but from what I found online, the Greek postal/ philatelic shop is not accessible outside the country. Umm, I wasn’t even aware this could be a thing :confused:

I did find a blog showing lovely stamps that got released this year and last. Does anyone know if there is a way to shop Greek stamps online?

Or how long does delivery usually take if you order on the postal online shop? And can you pay simply using paypal/ credit card or do you need a Greek bank account or something specific I might not think about.

Thanks for the heads up :slight_smile:

Hi Stancy!
The Hellenic Post suffered a cyberattack on March and the online philatelic shop isn’t accessible from other countries since then. :frowning:

Here is a a FAQ on where to buy stamps and postcards in Greece:

Hope it helps!

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Thank you, I saw that FAQ on the forum but didn’t know about the cyber attack. That’s too bad :cry:

Can you order from the philatelic shop within Greece?

Have you tried eBay?

Yes you can! You can pay with PayPal too. The delivery usually takes less than 5 work days.

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Cool, thank you for the info!

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i didn’t find anything on Ebay that showed current stamps, only older issues for collectors.

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I buy the older stamps all the time to use on my cards. I actually prefer them. And you can usually get them cheaper than face value. I know you seem to be looking for newer stamps but I thought I’d mention that so people don’t think older stamps are only for collecting. As long as they have not been cancelled, they are great.

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I just returned from visiting Greece for a few weeks on a school trip.
I found it mostly easy to buy stamps while I was there. An international postcard stamp costs 1 Euro and they have a ton of different designs, they’re all beautiful.
I first purchased stamps at a souvenir shop while I was buying postcards, but after that I went to post offices. The post offices are open from 7 or 8:00 AM to about 2:30PM and it can sometimes take a long time to wait in line and buy stamps because Post Offices provide many services in Greece so they have many customers.
I don’t have information about how to order the stamps online in advance, sadly, but it was very easy to purchase them in person while I was there last month. I hope this helps!


Agreed, I was on a couple islands, and had no trouble getting commemoratives. I may have asked for beautiful ones, but don’t remember.

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