How much time do you spend on each card?

For me one card usually takes around 30min. I like to take my time with reading the profile, browsing through my cards and stamps to choose suitable ones, and maybe choose some decoration (just recently bought my first washi tapes and stickers).

Regarding the message I read the profile again, and usually type up on the computer what I’d like to say. Then I edit around until it is at a length that I know I can still fit on a postcard, and hand write it on the card.

The message is always one of the last parts for me, because Austrian stamps are really huge, and if I want to use pretty stamps sometimes I even need to put three on the card for international mail which takes up quite a bit of space of the writing section :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

The whole process of putting together a card is really fun and relaxing to me :slight_smile: I really don’t like when I am rushed, e.g. if I want to make the cutoff time of the mailbox and have to get going. 10mins is not doable for me, most of the time I would not even have chosen a card + stamps + written the address in that time :sweat_smile:


I would say about 1 hour. That includes reading their profile, looking through their favorites/received from my country, decorating the cards with stickers, stamps and tapes in the interests of the receive, addressing it, writing the message

Per postcard - not matter if official or any Forum-related - I spend 30-60 minutes.
That’s mostly while I start with brewing and drinking tea, reading the profile, checking the favourites, decorate the whole postcard and writing. ^-^
And I also scan all my postcards from both sides - yes, I don’t have nor want a mobile phone, so it’s important for me that I have a digital scan of every postcard I wrote. Also in case that the postcard get lost.

probably 10 or 15 mins to draw a name, read the profile, select a card, add stamps, write, and upload the image. I do maybe 5 per week on a Sunday morning, so around an hour as I drink coffee

I keep my cards well sorted so if its a good profile I can select one easily, but if the profile is blank or has really limited interests I may need to look thru my boxes much longer and that can be frustrating

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