How many postcards do you keep 'in stock'?

Life’s too short to count the cards :slight_smile: Maybe a few hundred. But I know the exact amount of cards with space motives, 98. The well known box with the earth+space cards from the NASA archives is quite untouched.


I have about 40 viewcards in stock as I’m new in postcrossing.

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Do you have an infinite variety or are you mailing from a stack of repeated cards? I have repeats of 10 cards to choose from (just ordered a few more repeats for more variety).



I started my card collection by buying random single cards. But as my collection grew, I needed to set up a Flickr account to keep track of them. Then the work of keeping it updated made me decide to buy fewer cards but several copies of each - so that I scan a card in and add it to my Flickr account, but then don’t have to delete it and do the process all over again each time I send out a card.

Just a warning - buying cards can quickly become an addiction!


i prefer having all different cards. it’s more fun for myself, sending out different cards, seeing them on my postcrossing wall…
also there are sooo many wonderful (web)shops with all kinds of cards, i wanna buy them all.

i only send out the same cards of some popular ones, like the greetings from series from postallove. and tourist cards, as there’s not much variety here. oh and rare animals. if i ever find a card with a snake i’m gonna be so happy i’ll be buying 10 of them.


This thread will give you the idea


I buy most of mine in secondhand shops, so they are usually unique (not to mention cheap and eco-friendly). If I find a stack of identical ones or some decent-looking free ones, I like to get them so I don’t have to scan so often.


I have many different cards from different sources.
The ones I’'ve printed from my pictures or otherwise created are 10-20 each. But I already had them when starting postcrossing - and try to not repeat (successfull so far, but can change in the future. Exception: Used 3 identicall bees for a lottery).
And from some ad cards I have 2-3 copies, but didn’t use more than 1 for official postcrossing so far.

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Except of the touristy cards from my area and some ad cards all my postcards are unique. I bought some boxes and several postcard booklets with 20-30 themed but different cards in each of them. I tend to buy these booklets to support my local shops, but I really have to stop doing that - my stock is way too big now :laughing: (Oh yes, it’s addictive!)
The second hand / charity shop here also has great and cheap cards, so of course I have to support a good cause with a purchase … every second week :see_no_evil:. And I still come across some profiles and have nothing that fits… how can that be??? :smile:


I have repeat themes, such as Canadian sites to see, but rotate the cards for the themes, so the images are current or even more interesting to me.
I also monitor favourites and current events to see what Postcrossers seek or what messages I’m interested in sending. Presently, my most popular theme is peace, so I have a wide variety of related cards.


170 unique cards or repeats?

As I love card shopping, I mostly buy single copies. But there are some themes I stock up either more copies or rebuy them every now and then.


when it comes to tourist-cards of my hometown I have about 12 different motives (different views and / or seasons) that I keep restocking. In addition I have quite a variety of cards for various themes (for example photos of animals, nature, trees etc. , illustrated cards, black and white photography, art and many more) but I tend to buy only one copy a piece.

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I have a selection of view cards, I bought couple of each picture because they are gorgeous in my opinion and I want many people to be able to enjoy them :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: I also have a pretty wide selection of Krtek cards, again more of each because some people colect them. And I have a few some random cartoons, animals and art postcards that I have only one of each. And a Disney postcard box that I won from Postcrossing competion some years ago :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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I bought 1000 tourist cards as a wholesale. They are 20 motives 50 cards each. I also have other touristic cards which I bought as singles, around 20 postcard boxes and others that I’ve bought online on Postallove, Penpaling_Paula and Christopher Arndt. I am planning to opening an online gallery for the wholesale postcards.


I like to send out a variety cards, but usually tend to buy two or three copies of cards that I expect to be very popular. I wouldn’t enjoy sending the same card again and again.


I ever buy or make a card for the postcrosser i have the adress. So every card is individual

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I have hundreds, if not thousands, on hand; mostly views, but some good topics like maps. Many I list in my online store; the majority are for my personal collection; still others I use for swaps.


I do both. I usually buy and send multiples for

  • Local tourist cards, mostly because we have some nice tourist sites here and I want to show them off : ) I’ll buy multiples of a variety of shots so I usually have stacks of these in inventory.

  • Popular requests like map cards and trains (usually ordered online as a set of multiples)

  • Series and collectable cards (including UNESCO sites)

In addition, I’ll also buy postcard books, collections and boxes that have one of each card in the same theme. I have a lot of those. I’ve also purchased some grab bags with random single cards, just because it’s fun to receive those.

When I first started out, I only bought and sent local cards and some art cards. Over time, as I saw more profiles and swap requests I’ve built up the variety in my collection based on what people are requesting. It annoys me when I don’t have anything that fits a profile. Plus, like others, I’ve somehow become addicted to buying postcards so I buy a lot of stuff that appeals to me or I think will appeal to the community.


Mostly my cards are individual. I also have some card series (for example, “My Russia”). Sometimes I buy 2-3 copies of one card if it is popular,but I get bored of sending the same card over and over again and I like to have an opportunity to fit various requests of my recipients.