How many postcards do you keep 'in stock'?

I do have at least 2 to 300 cards to send also


I feel like there is a difference between what I currently have available to send and the idea of “keeping cards in stock.” There is only a small subset of cards that I routinely replenish, these are all cards from local sources for those who like to receive cards from where I live. So, while I have ~ 3000 cards on hand (that’s a SWAG), the keep in stock portion of that is likely 75-100.


I was looking for this topic because I finished scanning mine today and I counted … (there are some duplicates in this number). I am only on postcrossing for a year and seem to have way more than anyone else who is “new” here. But when I saw that some people like @Cassiopheia have over 5000 I feel a bit better with my stock. :smiley:

Edit: Number removed because of an upcoming lottery.


I have probably 200 “in stock” but that fluctuates.
There is one store in my city that I visit to re-stock local cards since I like their selection and price. I’ll buy about 10-15 cards every few months there, only as a I run out of those cards.

Otherwise I grab cards as I happen to travel. Last summer I visited a nature reserve that had an amazing selection of view cards and cards with local wildlife about 50 cents a piece so I bought probably 150 cards since I knew I wouldn’t be back.


Everyone could see it in the edit history - have removed it.


When I first started postcrosssing, I thought I would need a lot of different cards with different designs. And I did my part, I invested in lots of fun cards. Now several hundred read profiles later, I realize that I could have made most people very happy with one of a maybe just two or three different cards. One, an arial view of our city, a tourist attraction like Niagara falls, and some animal card. I wish I had realized that earlier.


About 300 here :upside_down_face: - definitely too many.


I consider myself still fairly new, only been doing this for little over a year. I currently have my stock up to about 5000. I’m still hunting for more, I love having a big variety! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


More than two hundred! The number is still rising, welcome to swap with me!


I am a newbie here so just compiling my stock. I think I have around 400 including box sets. Now I have my whole family on the hunt!!


I have three postcard books and about 6 loose postcards. I want to use what I have before buying more.


I take photos for my cards and I create them. Then I let them print. The run is from 10 to 25 cards. At the moment there are about 250 cards (therefrom 8 maxicards) with different themes. - When I have a new idea, I start creating my next card.


I love to have a great variety and hope, I have at least one card of every wishlist for official cards. And I love to buy postcards so that I have to restrict myself a little bit :wink:

I measure in cm: I have about one meter of postcards. When I compare with a box of postcards: 5 cm are 100 postcards. So I probably have ~ 2.000 postcards.

I try not to have more than these because otherwise I need a bigger appartement :laughing:


Where do you get them printed?

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When I am lazy, I choose the easy way: - This printer has a lot of card-designs with “drag-and-drop-function”, partly you can choose background-colors and you find space for own words; minimum: 10 cards.
When I will be creative, I choose Saxoprint has also a “drag-and-drop-function”, but you have no templates. They print also cards created with InDesign or other graphic-software.; minimum: 25 cards.


I only keep about 20 postcards and I buy more when needed! I’m surprised to see that some people can keep 100-1000 postcards!!

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I really tried to reduce my stash of cards last year - only to end up with more cards than ever. Currently it’s about 850 cards … :smile:


last night i just sorted out the postcards received. not really count the number but maybe 60-80. i plan to find a way to keep them. i look forward to many cards to come.

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lately i have been buying cards when i’m out and about around 10 cards each time. i’ll have to actually count how many i currently have on hand! i got quite a lot this summer.

@julise i recommend keeping them in a clear plastic storage bin, i picked one up from a craft store and it works like a charm!