How many people know that you do postcrossing?

I talk about PostCrossing with anyone and everyone who will listen. :rofl::rofl: Most people find it incredibly fascinating.


I stopped talking much about my hobbies recently, since they are not common interest of most others I know.

My husband knows, that I joined postcrossing recently, of course and he is always my biggest supporter in everything and helps me sticking with things, that I enjoy and are good for me.

In the recent past I’ve had several people reacting strange to my hobbies( I penpal a lot, own manual typewriters, postcrossing…) , so I don’t or rarely talk about it.

But what I love: the Postcrossing and Penpaling Communities, because here I don’t feel like “the odd one” and enjoy the atmosphere and exchange :heart:


I currently have a very limited circle of contacts. I live on the outskirts of a small town, I take care of my old mom and our garden, I don’t go anywhere unnecessarily because my legs hurt. But I have attracted a new member to Postcrossing, a very nice person. You will love receiving cards from her.


I’ve had penpals and have collected postcards since my childhood so tons of people know about it, but no one in real life is ever interested in pursuing it with me.

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Well, I guess I am considered a long time postcrosser (since 2007). I found about about it from another mail-obsessed friend. Prior to postcrossing I would mail postcards to quite a few friends around the world, so I told them about it and some joined. I’m not sure if they are still active. I recently just got back into this after a long break.

Pretty much everyone knows I am doing this. Postcrossing is a huge part of my life so people who know me, knwo I do that :slight_smile:
Others play sports or make music - I write :slight_smile:


I think that many people know about this my hobby. I like to speak about this activity and sometimes I show some cards in instagram stories for my friends.
When I started participating in postcrossing in 2012 I also inspired my 2 friends in Moldova (wow, rare country!) joined me with this activity, however they abandoned this hobby in a year or two.
Currently, I think that I don’t know anyone personally who sends a postcards for postcrossing

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I only know a few personally who do postcrossing as well. I started because a friend told me about it (she’s inactive now, though). Now, 2 other friends liked the idea of writing and receiving cards from all over the world as well and also created a profil. :blush:

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I shared info about it on Instagram. BTW, I started postcrossing because a person who follows me suggested it after I had sent postcard to her.:slightly_smiling_face:
I recently sent her another postcard and today I received new dreamy postcard from her. I am grateful for her suggestion.:green_heart:

I think that all my friends know.:thinking:
I also confessed to them that it helped me a lot during the pandemy.


Only my boyfriend, best friend and my mother know I do postcrossing.

I’m a very open person but I like to keep this hobby to myself. Its like having something really for myself and I don’t have to answer to (polite) questions like ‘did you send any postcards?’ While I know they are not really interested.
My best friend used to do postcrossing but she stopped a long time ago.

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I’ve mentioned it to a handful of friends, and to workers in the post office. Oh, and to one or two shopkeepers, the odd time that I’ve purchased multiple postcards and they commented on it. But it seems that most people aren’t into paper correspondence these days :frowning:

Only once have I had a gratifying reaction, and it was last week! I was in a local charity shop that frequently has unused, mostly vintage postcards. I struck it lucky on this visit and bought over 20. (Mostly Edward Gorey cartoon cards, some lively period illustrations from the American Museum of Natural History, and a few photo postcards of wolves.)

Anyway, the checkout clerk was interested in the cards, so I told her all about Postcrossing and how much fun it’s been. She got very excited and said she’d love to join. I hope she did!


Just about anybody who will sit still long enough to hear about it. :grin:

Seriously, though, a bunch of friends (as well as anybody who follows me on Instagram), family members (I’ll cheerfully chatter about it at holiday gatherings, when we have those), and the physician’s aide at my general practitioner’s office (we were talking about ways of maintaining connections with people during the pandemic, I told her about Postcrossing, and she took a moment to write it down so she could look into it).

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A few

I’ve told a few people but they don’t seem to understand the concept or don’t find it interesting.


Apart from my boyfriend who now has to live with lots of postcards everywhere… :sweat_smile: I have told my parents, my mother-in-law, one of my cousins, a couple of friends and my one of my bosses. My mom is very curious to see the postcards I get, so when we do video calls in the evening, I always show them to her. And my cousin will join soon, so mission accomplished :sunglasses:

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My mum, my sisters, my boyfriend and one of my best friends

sometimes they are curious when I receive beautiful envelopes but it doesn’t last long.
My mother is certainly the most interested

But generally speaking I feel like they don’t understand/find it interesting


Just a handful. But they totally secretly judge it (if not openly). I wish more people could experience this and then fall in love with it like I did. Wish they tried it first before dismissing it.


Nobody. People in the US that are involved in Postcrossing are few and far between! I hope to go to a meetup someday just to meet postcrossers in person rather than just through Postcrossing, although it is nice to meet you all here :grinning:


Я относительно недавно в Postcrossing. И об этом знают только близкие мне люди, то есть семья :blush:

Hello, I dont know anybody who does postcrossing,but everybody in my surround knows me :innocent::heart: Most of people admire it and love to watch my collections.