How many days do YOU personally take to mail your postcards?

I usually write them in the evening and post them the next day.

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I usually write cards on weekend so they are dropped off at the mail box Sunday evening when we walk past it during our evening walk. Sometimes it can however take a day or two more if the weather is so horrible we don’t want to do the evening walk or there is a risk of cards freezing in mail box or I just forgot to take them with.

Bigger mail I have to take to the drop off place so then it takes several days, up to a week, but I take care to let my swap partners to know when I am sending.

I usually walk to the postbox on the day I draw the address, or the next morning if I have drawn an address in the evening. There are two postboxes within a 15 minute walk of my house, one is collected early in the morning and the other late in the afternoon, so I go to whichever is collected next. The last collection of the week is on Saturday lunchtime, so I don’t draw addresses on Saturdays or Sunday mornings. Logically I know that 24 hours or 48 hours delay won’t make a big difference, but if I draw an address I think that someone will be waiting for that card to arrive so I want that to happen as soon as possible.

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I draw addresses for official Postcrossing cards only when I’m sure that a) I have time to write that card right now and b) I know I can dop it in the mailbox to be collected the same day. Therefore I do not draw official addresses on weekends or holidays. I’m picky about my statistics. :wink:

I only draw one address at a time, then write the postcard. Only if I’m sure I have time for another card I draw another address. When I was drawing addresses for Postcrossing meet-ups, I did that during the train ride to the meeting, so they had the correct date. I no longer draw official addresses for meet-ups, because several people complained about the meet-up cards, not wanting the stamps/sgnatures of the attendees. :frowning_face:

I must admit that I am not always as quick as I want to be when there are not enough hours in the day.
If I have a bad week, I catch up on the weekend with my writing and sending.

A card 100% always get sent, sometimes same day, sometimes in a few days.
It is that type of flexibility that makes Postcrossing attractive to me.

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What a pity!

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Generally, I sent a postcard the day I wrote it, but sometimes I sent it a bit later, though pretty much never later than about three days.

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For official postcrossing cards, I only draw names when I am prepared to send the same day. For round robins, I usually send same day I get the addresses, at worst within three days. Most of those require that you send within two weeks. Direct swaps I send when the spirit moves me, or in response to a received card.


I take an embarrassingly long time:

  • Write a few words for which postcards each person likes
  • Go and find postcards
  • Write a 1 - 3 postcards per day
  • Mail them all together

So like… Ten days is pretty normal for ten postcards.


That is a very thoughtful process! Someday I’d like to trade with you as you are very interesting and kind.

Thank you, but I’m just responding to the proces for my favourite postcards to receive have been. It feels clear when people have read my profile, and found something just for me :slight_smile:.


My outgoing cards are mailed the same or next day, depending on what time of day it is when I do them. Since I just put them in my mailbox and the carrier takes them when he brings my incoming mail for the day, I hold outgoing mail a day if he’s already been by. I have three cards in the box right now and he’ll be by this afternoon. :mailbox_with_mail: :blush:

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I don’t take a name until I’m ready to sit down and do the card. I have a process that includes scanning the front and back of the card for my own records. If I want to avoid doing any real work for some reason (oh, I’ll wash the dishes later), then I’ll take some time write a letter and maybe dig through my box of goodies that I’ve collected to select something to send along (beer labels, bookmarks, travel brochures, photographs, etc.). I like writing letters and always hope that my recipient won’t be unhappy with an envelope. If their profile says no envelopes, then of course I never do that. My mail carrier comes about noon, so if I finish in the morning, it goes right out; otherwise, it’s the next day.


I usually draw names in the evening and the cards are mailed in the (following) morning.

those were outgoing :frowning: I lost my days off and got called into work for long hours.

Most of the time, the same day. However, sometimes I am not able to get the cards written in time for the postman to pick up at my box, and/or, I get taken away from my desk by my kids, then life happens.

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I keep in mind the collection days and times for the postbox in my neighbourhood.
When I take more than a day in writing etc. It is usually on a day when there is no collection, so it does not hamper the speed of delevery.
(In my area postboxes are collected Mo-Fri atfter 17:00h, so when I get an address on Friday night, I have untill Monday 17:00h to post it, without causing delays.)

During Christmas it is even different: a card posted today, or any day untill the 30th will be processed and will arrive on the same day. So now I could take 5 days to write a card…

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I’m sending eleven postcards tomorrow, and they’ll be shipped eight days after I requested the addresses :blush:.

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I usually draw addresses in the afternoon and put it in the mailbox the next morning. I never take more than 2 days to send out the postcard!

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If the address is written in Latin characters, I mail them the the day after I draw the address, or two days later at most. Unless the weather prevents me from walking to the post office, in which case I may take as long as four or five days.

If the address is written in Chinese or using the Cyrillic alphabet, then I wait until I draw 3 or 4 addresses like that and print them all together. So it could take as long as 3 weeks.

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