How long does it take?

I am waiting for my post cart to be received how long does it take approximately???

It is very different. 12513 kilometwrs 6 days 220 kilometers 158 days


It mostly depends on the country you sent to, and if the recipient registers incoming cards daily.

You can have a look at the stats of the member you sent your card to, or of more experienced members of your country, to get an impression of the average travel times.

In the beginning, Postcrossing requires a lot of patience. :wink:


That is true… since I join I sent 16 cards, 7 in travelling and get just 6 cards yet… :male_detective: looking for more cards will arrive faster


Well, one of my cards to US didn’t make it yet in more than 365 days …
… one is travelling for 57 days now.
And some did arrive between 10 and 20 days …

One from India reached me within 198 days.
One send from Germany to Germany travelled only 2 or 3 days.

And yes, I know this little feeling of impatience when you start postcrossing :wink:


My rough experience from the U. S. would be 3 - 7 days for domestic, 7 - 10 days to Canada, 7 - 14 days to Europe.


I feel like I’m in postcard jail :snail::snail::snail:

Don’t forget, you can do swaps, tags, round robins, and lotteries too. All of these are great ways to both get and send more postcards.

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I’m new so I don’t know what those are or where to find them…… yet

Go down to the “Games” board. Each has its own sub-board with an introductory post, explaining what they are and how they work. Have fun


I think they are not viewable to very new members so you may have to browse the forum a bit more to find them. They are so much fun , though!

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Oh ok. I just assumed, with the badges she’d received that she had more read time than she does.

Hang in there, OP. The good stuff is coming.


Cards from the USA to me in Germany took between 4 days and 246 days. But most of them arrived within 20 days.

You’re probably right!