How does the Postal Service work in Egypt?

Hey guys,
This is my first post (Yippie!), I’m going to Egypt in 1 week, and I would like to know how the system works in Egypt. Where do I buy the stamps? What are the prices for some international stamps? How do I send them?
I’ll be staying there for a month. Thanks in advance!

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Hello! I travelled to Egypt last year and sent some postcards, but unfortunately I don’t remember the specifics very well!

What I do remember is that it was fairly easy (I was able to locate post offices in old Cairo CBD) and quite cheap. You can buy the stamps from the post offices directly.

Sorry I can’t give you any greater detail, and all the best!

Hi @dwellster
Did you postcards arrive? I lived in Egypt for several years and never sent any mail from there because everyone always told me it would not be delivered. I did manager once to send a card to Egypt that arrived, but it’s only one out of ten, the rest seem to have got lost

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I’ll mail them tomorrow (13th of August), I’ll keep you updated. c:


Thanks! I hope they arrive!

I manage to receive postcard from Alexandria

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Hi there!
I have the same question about sending postcards from Egypt - Hurgada. Please, keep us updated :crossed_fingers:t2:

Hello! I don’t know whether my reply has been quite late or can it help you. I have travelled to Cairo during July 10-14. I successfully sent 4 cards internationally from postcrossing, and 5 cards to my friends in China. All of them have been received. The post fee will be 90 EGP. However, many guys claimed this price may vary between cities, but nearly this price. You can send it from any postoffice. However, not many postoffice have the stamp with high price, and most of them with price of 5EGP. This is quite ridiculous! I cannot put 18 stamps on one card! So I went to a bigger postoffice for help, which is the biggest one in Cairo, or maybe in Egypt. You can search for Egypt Postal Museum on google map. The working postoffice is just by the right side of it. They sold me stamps with price 20, 30, 40 EGP, and this is enough. However, you should pay attention to the working hours in Egypt, usually they close by 2 or 3 pm and the weekends in Egypt are Friday and Saturday. The workdays are Sun-Thu. There seldom are postboxes along the streets, so you should better go to the offices in person. Communitating with the staff would be a quite tough job, although I can speak Arabic, I even fail to communicate with them successfully sometimes, because they are not quite famaliar with sending postcards, especially internationally. Have a good trip!


Hi there,

I hope my reply may help you, although I haven’t been to any other city in Egypt except their capital Cairo.

Sending postcards from Cairo to international destinations would cost 90EGP. Some may claim that the price may vary between cities, but it will just be around this price.

Some small offices only sell stamps with price of 5EGP, which means sending a card would require you to put 18 stamps! That is ridiculous. You can refer to some bigger post offices for help. Maybe they would have stamps for bigger prices, like 20, 30, 40 EGP. Egypt stamps are of small sizes, so putting 3 stamps would not take up much space.

You may have to pay attention to their working hours, cuz in Egypt, they would only work until 2 or 3 o’clock pm. There aren’t many postbox along the streets. Even though there are, they may not be opened by postman. So you’d better go to the post office in person.

Communicating with the staff in the postoffice would be a quite tough job. Although I can speak Arabic, it also took me much effort. This is because the staff are not familiar with sending postcards, and they may misunderstand that with international parcels. If they tell you a price with 1000EGP or more, that may be wrong.

You can show them the Arabic words below, which means sending postcards without envelope to other countries:

إرسال البطاقة البريدية بدون الظرف إلى الدول الأجنبية

I sent 9 postcards from Egypt. 4 to pc members, and 5 to my friends in China. All of them have been reported received. The fastest one was to Belarus, which only took 9 days.

I hope these may help you, and have a nice trip!


Hey Giovanni,

Thanks for the Info, I already came back from Egypt ;c (23 July to 17 August).

I would love to keep these info open for future tourists for the Lovely Egypt, and I would to add some info. I’m Egyptian, and I went directly to Al Arish, my home town, and there, the post offices aren’t organized.

For those who go to Cairo;
I would suggest to go to Attaba, where the Postal Museum is situated, remember to go before 15 o’clock, otherwise you will be too late.

Where to find Postcards in Cairo?

You can find them around the Pyramids, in Giza, and in the 2 Egyptian Museums.

DISCLAIMER: You won’t find them in Kham el Khalili, and nor in the Al Hussein street. Although you could find them in the Souq Diana, Vintage street sellers sell their vintage stuff every Saturday near the Diana Cinema.

What about stamps?

You can ask them at any post offices. Although they prefer to send your postcards with their machine labels, so stay alert c:

If anyone would want to add some info to this topic, they’re welcome to do so!

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Stamps = Tawab3a
Postcards = Kuruut El Bosta
To Mail Out = Ab3at

  • Can I send out this postcard with stamps?

Momken Ab3at el karta el bosta ma3 tawab3a?

  • Where can I find postcards?

Fin momken a (pause) la (pause) i shuaiet kurut el bosta?

  • Can i buy stamps?

Momken a (pause) shteri tawab3a?

Yea, these are some vocabulary

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Thank you!