How do you use postcards to document a trip?

I’ll be taking my baby on their first trip soon! I’m considering getting a postcard for each day of the trip to document what we did on that day, but I wanted to hear what others have done.

How have you used postcards to document a trip? What other methods do you like to use to remember a vacation?


Yes! I usually get a postcard (at least one, usually more) from the places we visit during the holidays - for example, a town square, a museum, a beach, a show we’re attending, etc. Then I print our own vacation pictures that we took and organize everything into an album - so it shows the card and then our personal pictures taken in the same town/area/etc. It’s so much fun.


I have an extra 59 Parks set of the US national parks, and I’ve started mailing back the card to my myself when I visit a park. I’ll stamp with the passport stamp (souvenir stamping program the national parks participate in) usually with a silly note (Mount Rainier’s was “YAY VOLCANOES!!!”).

I’ve only ever sent postcards to my parents on bigger trips, so trying to include myself in this now.


I definitely buy postcards during all the trips I take! I’m in every gift card, every lil shop I can find lol. I don’t send them out but just collect them. Now I’ve started to buy a bunch of each of the cards I grab as I like to send them out to friends and sometimes via postcrossing! It’s been really fun to actually mail my postcards instead of just hoard them


I buy at least one postcard to send back to myself at the end of the trip. I will write on it what we did each day. Luckily, I have received all of them back to me.

Have a great time!


I sent a postcard in travel mode every day of my trip. The location is recorded in the map in your postcrossing account and you can see little houses pop up in the map when the postcard is delivered


Oh that’s so smart to include them in the album! I might do that as well. Thanks for the idea!

I was considering some kind of “passport” to keep a record for the baby before they’re old enough to pick their own souvenir.

Maybe a small notebook I would take to post offices and ask to get it stamped with a cancellation?


I haven’t used the travel mode, but I definitely will consider it now. The little houses are so cute. That’s a great way to keep a record with post crossing!

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My family - well, me mostly! - have taken to sending postcards home from our trips. We look forward to receiving them. Having had two children and two baby books to fill - yes, the first one is more filled in than the second to my shame - I suggest the odd postcard rather than one each day so you are not putting yourself under pressure. Enjoy the trip and happy travels, Fidelma


I buy postcards for myself as I travel and then upload them to a custom map on Google Maps. I place a pin on locations I have a card from and then use a photo of the postcard instead of the pin marker. I have a separate layer where I put postcards that my family & friends have sent to me.


I carry stamps in my wallet. If I’m traveling overseas, I try to buy postage for postcards back home as soon as I can, but if I can’t, I mail the cards to myself when I get home so they at least get mailed.

I write cards whenever I feel like it - sometimes when I’m on a train, in a cafe, trying to calm my brain at the end of the day, been really moved by a place. Occasionally, I’ll write a card to get a special postmark or because I have postage stamps from the place (Landungsbruecke in Hamburg, Germany).

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This is such a great idea!

I have a google map I pin all my sent and received official and forum PC cards, and I was debating adding the photo. I might have to do this now!


I’ve been sending myself postcards from my travels for several years now! I’ve recently also started doing a few sketches for my nephew and although I’m definitely no artist, practicing has helped them get better with time! Here’s a few examples.

The postcards I send myself usually include a little blurb of my adventures while I’m travelling - favourite meal, most interesting experience, interesting site/shop etc. and often I’ll send 1-2 postcards from a country (or one from each city if I’m visiting several different and distinct cities). So far, I’ve been laminating them and punching a hole so that I can compile them into a ‘flip book’ of sorts (a bit like this image below). I wanted a way of displaying them so that the image and writing on both sides can both be seen, and this seemed to do the trick. I think it will make a great coffee table book! But I’d love to hear if anyone has any other suggestions!


I used to send postcards from each trip to my pen pals from the destination of origin. Somewhere along the way I began to secretly send one to my boyfriend, describing our favorite impressions of the place/foods we tried or unique experiences… Now I also buy postcards for Postcrossing and will be sending one to myself :grin:.