How do you feel about sending cards to inactive members?

I drew an address today, and to my surprise the person hadn’t been online in over a month. I’ll be sending the card despite that, but I do worry it will be a fruitless card.

How do you feel about sending a card to someone who isn’t active on the platform? There’s the obvious risk it will simply disappear without them registering it. Looking at their sent/received cards, they last sent a card in September, and before then in 2019, logging on once every few years (before 2019 in 2013!) - is this something people often do?


I don’t even look at people’s activity levels. I drew their address, I’m going to send them a card, period.


Over a month? Does it say last seen 30 days ago? If yes, they’re still considered active and is eligible for a card back. If it’s more than 30 days, their account has automatically been set to inactive and you shouldn’t have received their address.

Sometimes people take a break for one reason or another. That’s fine.
Since their last postcard was sent in September they’ve been active recently. But they might not have logged in after sending the card because they hadn’t received anything back yet (and didn’t want to send another card at the moment).


I’ve been registered at Postcrossing for nearly two years, but for various reasons only used it sporadically until recently. I used to send a few cards, and then not log in anymore until I received one, which can take a while if the cards come from a far country. So to the people who drew my address it may have looked as if I was not really active either, or they may have worried if this time maybe I won’t come back. But if you’re not interested in the forums and don’t want to send any cards atm, why visit the site? This does not mean that the received cards won’t be appreciated and registered.

However, I always had to log in every 30 days to stay active, and did just that. I don’t know how an address can be given out when the user has not been online for over 30 days :thinking:


Does it also mean, travelling cards will be registered automatically if a postcrosser has not been online for more than 30 days?

I totally misread it. It does say “last seen 30 days ago” - thought it was “over 30 days ago”! We’ll see how it goes.

That’s fair, I normally don’t. I only looked as their profile bio was very brief, to try and pick a card they’d like!

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I am the same as you. I don’t even look!

Ohhh I’m in that boat right now. I don’t love it.
I saved up about 7 spots for WPD. 5 of those, I selected to get ready Sept 30 to take for the Oct 1 cancellation mark the next day. I only drew The 2 remaining profiles on October first to get my WPD stamp on my profile. One of the two addresses hasn’t logged in over a month now, so I’m counting on The other address I drew to register it. That second person logs in regularly,

I also have a card 44 days traveling and I know that person has not been online since the day before I drew it. I can predict that’s for sure going to expire. I messaged the person because they have 5 sent and 2 received. It’s just part of it I guess.


Based purely on personal experience I would say that your ghostcrosser will never be seen or heard of again. Three of my recently sent cards are to people who had not been seen for just under thirty days and are now inactivated. I hope that they will eventually log in again but will be surprised if they do.


I always just send it. Some people don’t log into the site except to register cards and draw addresses. So if they’re not sending at the moment, they may not see a reason to log in until they get a card.


Postcrossing doesn’t give out the addresses of inactive members. And I don’t think it’s fair to judge people I never met. Every time I get an address I send the card and I move on.


Ghostcrosser :ghost: That’s funny!


I have received an email from Admin telling me that the account of a person to whom I had sent a card was closed and the card was registered by Admin. Not quite the same as an inactive account, I know.

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Honestly I never checked that


Postcrossing is like any other hobby - people participate at their own individual speed, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Not everyone logs in for reasons other than registering a card or drawing an address, so in all likelihood they drew an address 30 days ago, their card traveled 30 days before being registered, at which point their address entered the pool for you to draw. I don’t see anything off about this :slightly_smiling_face:


I have already sent cards to accounts that have been inactive for two months and of course the cards have never arrived. It’s a shame but not serious because I don’t look before sending it. But I understand that the question arises because it has a cost postcrossing. For my part, I had to reduce my sends and I regret it.


It happened to me once. I just sent a PM to the member before sending the card and asked, because they had not registered anything for 6 months. They answered promptly, explained that they were just bck from a break, promised to register the card, I sent it and they did.
was very happy!


Profiles of intermittent activity make me feel wary, having had a few ghostcrossers. I still send a card and decorate it and write a nice message like I do any other card but I do admit I don’t send my nicest cards or rarest stamps. Luckily (or unluckily) I’ve mostly been correct about my suspicions and have so far been ok with the cards that have vanished.