How do u feel abou postcards from Russia NOW

We Germans still have to apologize to this day for being Germans. there are very many Putin supporters who elected him to office. we have donated a lot to Ukraine and are now being pilloried by Selensky for not helping or not helping enough. I find that very ungrateful and not right. So be who you are, but be happy about it. Personally, I really like sending postcards to Russia and, of course, I also like receiving postcards from Russia.


Sadly, I also spoke to people who didn’t like Putin but supported the war.:confused: I think that one is responsible for their government, they didn’t come from nowhere: they were either chosen from the same citizens or connived for their doings. People are responsible especially when they call their country democratic. And not putin kills with his own hands, shoots missiles and beats citizens of the country who protest but the people from the same country. But that doesn’t mean that there should be hate to the whole nation, like it was with Germans. I hardy believe after half a year that millions of people will come out to protest, but at least I hope that not everyone is like that - blind to the wrongdoings.


Oh you don’t need to be sorry ,dear,
I hadn’t received Cards from Russia for long time, but I received 3 very nice cards from Russia just now, with very beautiful stamps in addition


I am happy for every postcard, from any country. postcrossing is not about politics but about connecting people. Ordinary people are not to blame for what is happening.:love_letter::dove:


I am happy to receive every single postcard from Russia. You are not the one to be blamed. You don’t need to feel guilty. Sometimes the government does what the citizens never want, which is NOT a fault of all citizens in the country. The only thing I’m disappointed about is that the mail service from Korea to Russia has been suspended since February. Peace to the world :dove:


Oh yeah. Unfortunately, this is indeed the case. Despite the fact that the votes for Putin are partially artificially inflated in the voting, but I really know a number of people who are happy about the war and praise Putin even if there are relatives in Ukraine. I dont understand them whyy??(

You are from Ukraine. Are you and your family safe??


I almost always get beautiful cards from Russia, and I like to think, that the kind of people who love postcrossing, are less likely to support war. When sending to Russia, if the user has a very neutral profile, I do think about it, but I also understand why some people just don’t to engage with it.

Also, any card that isn’t just another unattractive card from Germany is a good card :sweat_smile:.


I loved getting and sending postcards with Russia before the war and I’m still very nice to Russians who take the time to write me a card.

I’m glad that in the USA I don’t have to send cards to Russia right now. I would not be unkind if I had to – just… polite.

You all are too fast to let Russians off the hook. Putin’s approval rating went from 69% in January 2022 to 83% in July 2022. ( • Putin approval rating Russia 2022 | Statista )

I feel bad for Russians opposed to the war. It’s not safe for them to protest it. That said, I support the economic boycott of Russia – the world has decided upon collective punishment of the Russian economy to at least try to grind down their war machine.

I recently made the mistake of buying Blue Cat postcards, which I’m now fairly sure are coming out of Russia shipped via Kazakhstan. (Once again I feel somewhat bad typing this as the package was lovingly put together and its clearly a wonderful small business. But. Russia.)

I feel somewhat different about Belarus (arguably should be treated the same). It’s hard to get an accurate popularity poll of Lukashenko – estimates seem to range from 3% to 30%. So for the moment I’d be happy to send cards to/from Belarus and buy product from there (except for financial sanctions against the Russian banking system that Belarus businesses seem to mostly use).

– Michael


How can we help Ukrainians at that terrible time

UNHCR is the official UN organisation that helps refugees.
Project HOPE provides medical supplies and assistance.

Save the Children focuses on providing children with food, water and safety.


I didn’t know we could get Blue Cat cards via Kazakhstan! Thanks!

I believe that when “official” relations between countries are at their most hostile, that’s when direct person-to-person communication between citizens becomes more important than ever. So if anything, I appreciate cards from Russians even more now than I used to. I only wish we could still send to Russia from USA as well.


I wouldn’t mind getting postcards from Russia if it was possible. I also gradually start missing sending to Russia, as the postal connections between Finland and Russia have been blocked since early April. Later this year I’ll be travelling abroad again, so I guess I’ll be able to send to Russia after all. :slight_smile:


I believe that most people understand that it isn’t that everyone in Russia supports what is happening. Initially, when the war started I felt I couldn’t send to Russia because I was horrified at what was happening and I didn’t want to “accidentally” send to its supporters who just don’t mention it in their profile. But that changed after a while. All of my postcards go to Russia now and of course I also receive postcards from Russia. I believe it is very important to keep the communication. To help those who don’t support the war to feel a bit better, because it is a horrible situation to be stuck in! But also with the others to show that it isn’t true that the world hates everyone and everything Russian just because it’s Russian as the propaganda says. However, I would certainly have an issue with someone openly supporting the war either in their profile or on the postcard. Notice there is no nationality mentioned in my last sentence…

So to sum up the long answer, I don’t feel any hostility toward Russian postcrossers and I am still happy to send and receive from you :slight_smile:


If I feel upset for what a country and its own government & politics does / did , then I probably will be upset all the time when I receive cards :joy: , anyway that’s toxic and it’ll hurt myself more.

So in short conclusion, nope. I’m happy for every single card I receive from postcrossing :slightly_smiling_face: . What makes it not happy is when the content of the card breaks fatal guidelines, but that’s another story

After all, Russian cards I got are mostly beautiful, full of colourful stamps, washi tapes, stickers, neat writing & lovely messages. Nothing to be upset about :smiley:


Hah that make sense))
Thank u for your comprehensive answer, sirr
And have a nice day :two_hearts:

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Well thanks for that hint… :face_with_diagonal_mouth:


John – See my post in this thread:

In late July or early August, could still order from – no country affiliation on the website, but all domains registered in Russia. Payment through PayPal. A few weeks after you order, the package ships from Kazakhstan (almost as though they mailed it there and used a mail forwarding service). As far as I can tell there is no sanctions violation in doing this. I have very mixed feelings about it all, but don’t want to support the Russian economy right now.

– Michael

Don’t worry and dont take it persobally. I think he just had a difference of taste for postcards with senders from Germany, which he got. It’s ok when tastes don’t match sometimes. Besides, I really like postcards from Germany. 7 of the 13 postcards I have in my favorites from Germany💕


Yes, I am becoming more and more convinced that there are so much kind and sincere people in postcrossing who want peace . Thank you all for this


I live in the United Kingdom. I wouldn’t be surprised if, in view of the behaviour of our recent and current governments, people weren’t boycotting our nation. I’m actually Scottish, and continue to state this to avoid being tarred with the brush that may be used for we British. Having said all that, the only people I don’t want to send to and receive from, are those I wouldn’t want to, whatever their nationality. I have yet to have any card I wasn’t totally delighted to receive. I do think governments who forbid mail to and from other states are reprehensible. One little hint. I have had some lovely cards from Russia,and realised that one way to keep channels open, is to ask for the person’s email address. This way one can send messages, even images of cards. As far as i know nobody has managed to block electronic communications. Better than nothing? I think so. For me, postcrossing has helped me keep my sanity through a horrendous two years and more…and continues to do so. I have had amazing cards from every country so far