How do I call this type of postcards?


Recently I got back into postcrossing and I’m obsessed with browsing postcards on the main page. That gave me a new preference in postcards, that I don’t know how to call in an easy way to put it in my description page without using too many words.
The postcards in questions usually show… pictures or (more often) illustrations of different types of one thing. Fo example like a postcard that depict different coins in one country. Or a postcard that depict types of mushrooms in one country.
Visual examples below:

Thanks to everyone in advance!


These postcards are typically refered to as “multiples”, as far as I know.


I don’t know what they’re called, but I love them, especially the ones with the mailboxes.


I’ve been thinking about this question too!
Thanks for bringing it up


This reminded, when I started, this style was often called “Nouvelles images” (which is also printing house, I think, or was). I sent a card from this print house, and maybe the receiver explained what it meant :smile: so they only liked the grouped items, not just anything from this printhouse. (I think some used Nouvelles images multiples, some just Nouvelles.)


You can call them as multiples.
Nouvelles Images is the serie of cards from France. A part of them are multiples cards, called Nouvelles Images Atelier (or NI multiples), this style:


So refering you could also call them cards similar like Atelier Nouvelles Inages or cards similar to Nouvelles Images multiples. But I think it is also fine to call them just multiples cards or cards with multiples images

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I think I’ve always thought multiple images is same as multiview :blush: or multiples even that they like many of the same card :smile:

Few times I’ve seen a member explain this type of card by having a link to such card, that’s good too.


You could also put a link to one of these cards in your profile (and ask on your profile - maybe somebody who sends such a card knows …)

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Nouvelles images is a very popular printhouse, unfortunately, it closed 15 years or so ago. In other words, new cards are no longer printed but many other printhouses also go for multiples, such as Lou Paper for example. Nouvelles images did much more than just multiples, by the way. The very first postcard sent on´postcrossing was also one from Nouvelles images

This type has one third you need to fold over the written part and then tear off a little paper to seal it. If you check out my sent-wall, you will notice similar cards, also from NI.


I’m thinking there must be a proper word for this type :thinking: something like assemblage, but a little different. Because these are based on some type of classification (like types of butterflies, things related to France).

Yes, like I wrote earlier, I thought they want anything from this print house and sent a card with no groupped items :slight_smile: to me almost same as writing you collect Karto cards, and one should know they mean only Moomin :smile:

I think it was popular here, and turned common knowledge to collectors, what it means (even when using only Nouvelles images/Nouvelles), but for a member who doesn’t know this, how could they :blush:


Yeah, I’d put several links to those cards in your profile & say “I’d like cards that show multiples of something like this” so it’s clear to everyone.

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Source: ipernity: More shipping flags & funnels - by SV1XV

In my collection I have a few unused postcards featuring Merchant Marine flags and/or funnel signals. Here are two samples.

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You can call them “Meishe art or similar”

What is that?

I think “collections” is good. Meaning cards of a curated collection of themed things.

But I work in a museum- so of course I like the museum-y terms.


Thank you guys so much, I’ve been holding this question for some time now and I knew you’d be great bunch of people to ask :smiley:

I remember googling Nouvelles Images after seeing it somebody’s wishlist 5 years or so ago. I couldn’t find anything specific, I saw people’s SWAP collections called this way but every postcard was something totally different and definitely far from these “multiples” that we’re talking about here. Good know what it means, I wish I could see some collection of those postcards online to get more acquainted with them.

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You can call this kind of postcard as multiples postcard. Nouvelles Images is a French brand with numerous postcards, not only multiple postcards, but also black&white photography, flower, etc. I focus on collecting NI multiples postcards, but still a long journey to go LOL

My collection:

For organizing my own cards I call them - depending on the content - “Visual Library”, “Visual Dictionary” or “Collections (of things).”