How are you celebrating World Postcard Day? Share your pictures and experiences

These cards are so cute!! Who designed them?

Papersisters! @adriennefriend
But I’m not sure if the question was meant for me or for whom! :sweat_smile:

Yes for you! I clicked to reply to your post but it didn’t seem like it worked. I’m on mobile, normally on desktop :sweat_smile:

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Is postmarking something you can do yourself in Australia? Here (UK) it’s got to be done by the post office (or do you work there? :P)

Here I am, surrounded by my postcrossing stuff and with a cup of tea! :tea: :postcrossing: I drew 12 addresses at the crack of dawn (UTC +2) and got :de:, :us:, :jp: and :taiwan: (Unusual to get several addresses to Japan and Taiwan at once). Also, I am going to write cards to friends and my sister, so I’ll be a bit busy tonight! :sweat_smile: All the cards aren’t WPD cards and I am left with a few cards to be used at some later point. :slight_smile:


I wrote these cards today - three are official Postcrossing cards, the rest go to my friends. I drew Singapore, Canada and Switzerland.


Just a gentle reminder that if your account is currently inactive and you can set it back to active, please do. Things are a little tight and we could use some more addresses to give out… :sweat_smile:


Yeah, I wasn’t really planning to! XD But, no worries, looks like that ‘problem’ is solving itself. I’ve just looked around on the forum to see where I could possibly send my leftover WPD designs, and I’ll send one to Postcrossing itself (@meiadeleite, thank you SOOO much for your hard work!!!), and I found a nice project for a class of school kids, and… The pile is melting - and that’s great. :slight_smile: Ideally, I’ll just get rid of them all, except for the one copy I’ll keep for myself!


Happy world postcard day! I set my account back to active last night, I’m due 9 cards so hopefully it helps. I’ve drawn 5 addresses so far; USA, France, Taiwan and Germany x2. I plan to draw 5 more later today as well as sending cards to family and the commission on stamp design here in USA to encourage a PostCrossing themed design!


Putting this beauty in the mailbox today for my first WPD!! :sunflower:

This is a picture I took while in Chiang Mai, Thailand, of a hot springs.
Happy Postcrossing and World Postcard Day! :love_letter:
@tjblevi Toni


Happy world postcard day :love_letter: and (coofee too) :coffee: greetings from chile


My cards are ready! They are going to Moscow and Siberia :smiley:


:dove:Happy World Postcard Day :world_map: :sparkles:

I finished sending my WPD postcards :post_office:


I wrote 3 offical cards and many more to friends near and far. :dove: :earth_americas:

Happy World Postcard Day :heartpulse:


I conducted a very unscientific “experiment” in the last hour - at 9:12am in my timezone I drew a card, and then again at 10:12am. I wanted to get a sense of how rapidly cards were drawn in one arbitrary hour-long time-span. I subtracted the 9:12am number from the 10:12am number and found that…

:drum: Between those times, 863 US addresses were requested! I know… I am a nerd… :laughing: :sweat_smile: :grin:


You’ll find lots of folks still looking for WPD swaps after today as not everyone does get an official card, just like your experience last year.

And people sent them for the rest of the year in 2021, in official sends & Forum swaps, so I’m sure you’ll be able to send them on their way at some point.


This is my first WPD celebration, and I am having a blast. I just wrote out 5 official cards! Also, I sent an additional 42 cards to friends and family near and far! I hope they ask me about WPD when they get the cards so I can wax on about building friendships and learning about other cultures through postcards. :grinning:


I found myself writing Happy World Postcrossing Day on some of my cards, lol


My post office kindly hand cancelled all my cards
(I think it’s ok to show this address since it’s posted here on the forum)


Awwww… thank you in advance! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: