Houston, Texas Meetup September 30, 10 am

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Houston, Texas, USA
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Holiday Inn, 15222 John F Kennedy Blvd. Houston, Texas
:calendar: DATE: Friday - September 30 - 10 am
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10 am
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: As you enter, tell the person at the door you are here for a Postcrossing Meetup. You will be directed to where we are to meet.

Hi All,

Sorry, Had to change the date to September 30, 2022 at 10 am.

I am planning a meetup during the Houston Postcard Show.

There will be a meetup postcard, Designed by Daniel, for you to autograph and send to yourself and others. Be sure to bring your stamper is you have one.
Also, this is World Postcard Day. If you have a postcard to show, please bring it. I will have some to share as well as our meetup postcards.

The show is two days but we will be meeting on Friday.

Bring your friends and see what a Postcard Show is all about. email me for more details at ezrestexas@aol.com More information is below. If you wish to receive a postcard from the meetup please email your mailing address to email above or message ezredax on postcrossing.com
I look forward to meeting you there.
Demaris Swint
More info.
What are we going to be doing?
Spend the time getting to know our fellow postcrossers
Share our postcrossing experiences/stories
Postcard swapping
Sign designed postcrossing meet-up cards
and of course…write as many cards as we can to send out to the world!
What should I bring? (not mandatory, just some suggestions)

Pens, markers, stickers, washi tape, decorative stamps etc. (anything you like to write or decorate cards with) list of addresses to send too.
Postage stamps (so we can mail as many cards as we can!)
Postcards to trade/swap.
Postcards you would like to send out at this meetup
Postcards you want to show off
A smartphone/iPad/tablet for connecting to postcrossing.com
The ultimate goal of this meetup is to share our collective joy of postcrossing, to make good, positive, and wholesome connections with another human beings, and to spread that positivity and happiness to our fellow postcrossers across the globe!


Is this also a World Postcard Day event?


I hadn’t thought of it. But will incorporate it into the meetup. The date didn’t register in my brain as World Postcard Day, but it will now. Thank you for the reminder.

Enjoy the day!

Commenting so I can follow along on updates!

HI Carly, I look forward to seeing you.

Enjoy the day!

Hi Demaris, Pam here in Nacogdoches. I was a little confused on Date because the body of your message says we’ll meet up on the Saturday of the postcard show, which is the 1st of October., but you put down Sept. 30.

HI Pam,

The show is on Thursday and Friday. The meetup will be on Friday, Sept. 30th. at 10 am.

The hotel had a problem. So the usual Friday and Saturday wouldn’t work for us.

I hope you can attend.

Excited to see everyone again! :smile:


There will be meetup postcards for you to autograph. They are free. You can bring some to swap. Some dealers will have boxes of 25 cent postcards for you to purchase, including myself. But you are not obligated to buy.

If you have addresses to send to bring them. You can use the meetup postcards to send.

I look forward to meeting you,

Hi, It will be fun I am sure. Demaris

Hello! I plan to attend, this will be my first meet up. Can’t wait to meet everyone!


HI Stephanie,

I look forward to meeting you. Be sure to bring some addresses to mail meetup postcards. They are free you just need to autograph them and mail.

Enjoy the day!

I will be there as well. Looking forward to seeing everyone.


I look forward to seeing you as well. It will be fun. I will also have some World Postcard Day postcards as well.


Looking forward to see you!

HI Tania, It will be fun! Demaris

Would like to exchange the cards for Delhi WPD meetup cards 2022
Delhi meetup card 2

I will be posting them on OCT 1
Interested in this swap?
Please PM me before OCT 1! :innocent: :cherry_blossom:


Send me your mailing address to ezrestexas@aol.com I will be happy to send you some meetup postcards from Houston and Dallas.

Enjoy the Day!

Hi! I plan to attend tomorrow, this will be my first meetup. Im traveling from San Marcos, TX.
Excited to meet everyone :slight_smile:


Unfortunately I can’t come today, my son get sick :unamused: is it any way I can meet up postcard? I will see you next meeting