Houston Area Stamp Show September 15 -17

Hey y’all our anual stamp show is coming up in two weeks so I wanted to let anyone know who is in the Houston area to check it out! No meetup at this show. However the postcard show in October will have a meetup. Check the USA meetup boards for more details on that.


Awesome thank you for the heads up!

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Thanks so much for letting us know! I went by this morning, wasn’t there long before the little kids timed out after an hour drive, but still had so much fun! Thank you so much! I might see if we can come back tomorrow and either bring hubby or leave littles home with him. My 9 and 6 loved it and even won a door prize! They are hooked on stamps now for sure :slight_smile:


That is awesome! Glad y’all won something! If you do go back look for stamps that are discounted. Some vendors sell stamps for up to 30 percent off face value @LLAcademy

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Awesome, we didn’t even get far enough to look at vendors, we went to the left to see the beginner booth, then looked through the gallery to cast our vote on our favorite panel when my 2 year old got hangry haha. I gave him a snack but it didn’t last long, so 10 min in the car and he passed out haha. Definitely want to try again, my older two want to explore some more as well!

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I have a 7 month old, thankfully my husband is watching her tomorrow while I go lol but I know it probably wouldn’t be easy trying to take her

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Yeah, I had my 9, 6, 2 in a stroller while baby wearing my 5 month old. It’s always hit or miss, but when they hit the nap/hungry wall (which is constantly changing with growth spurts) it’s game over no matter what :rofl: We had a full day 9 to 3pm at the museum in August without any issues. Diaper changes in the tiny bathroom was tricky, but no meltdowns. I think the key was that I packed a lunch and started earlier that time. We arrived at the stamp show around 11.

That’s really awesome you take your baby out. I barely even take mine out we have taken her besides the doctor out like 6 times since she was born. Once it’s cooler we will be taking her more places and now that she’s 7 months she is definitely more into being out and about :relaxed:

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