Horse day, August 27, 2023 Stavropol

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Stavropol
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Equestrian club “Pryderis”. Essentukskaya st., 23​, Tatarka village, Stavropol Territory.
:calendar: DATE: 27.08.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 14:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: On this day there will be an “open day” in the equestrian club. We will be told about the equestrian club, we will feed horses, chickens, goats and a donkey, we will watch a performance with trained horses. You can ride a horse around the arena.
For details, contact the group in VK, because. changes are possible over time.


Hello! I am interested in the right one! Is it possible to have a swap? :blush:

My meetup cards offer: Offer: Meetup postcard |

Looking for swap from the meetung cards. We gave meeting at 21.08.

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Hi I am interested in
Can i swap these cards with u ?

what a special meetup you have had, i oove horses. we had trotting meetup. Anyone interested swappung card with me