Holidays in your country

Thank you for your postcard, Emma. We were delighted to read about the Durham Miners Gala. I am sending you a thank you card in return.
Happy postcrossing. Tuula

Last week, we sent a postcard to you. We hope it has arrived! One of my students wrote about World Childrenā€™s Day at our school. If you have time, please feel free to write back to us. I have two classes, and the students are interested in participating in a postcrossing exchange with another school. It will definitely be a nice experience!

Best wishes from 6a, 6c, and Mrs Schmidt



We have not yet received your postcard. Thank you for sending it. I will talk to my students and see what they say. How old are your students?

Tuula, that is Mrs Jurmu

Hi Tuula,

thank you for your response. We hope the postcard will reach you soon!:slight_smile: I am an English teacher, and I have four classes: 3D, 4C, 6A, and 6C. The children in these classes are aged 9-12 years old.

Best regards

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Hi @Tupu i see that @aH already sending you Eid (Hari Raya) postcard from Malaysia so iā€™ll just add to it: During the holiday we give children small green envelope with money. It makes them very happy. I can send some green envelopes for your to show them. How many children do you have in your class? Just want to make sure i send enough so everyone gets one.

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I would like to send a postcard talking about our Fiestas Patrias (literally means Patriotic Party :partying_face: :chile:), but I donā€™t have a postcard with that theme. Can I send a multiview of diferent typical places in Chile and tell you about our Fiestas Patrias in the back?

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Iā€™m an English teacher so I have all the kids in our school in my classes. No need to send envelopes to all of themšŸ˜Š A couple will be enough thank you.

Mailed today. Hope it will reach u safely!

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Thank you. Iā€™m sending you a card in return and I will ask my school childen, if they are interested in writing to you all. How old are your kids and how many are there?

Thank you for sharing how you celebrate May! And thank you for the postcard!

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Will send one from Hong Kong

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Thank you for your fun card. I would like to send you a thank you -card, so could you PM me your address please.

Hi Tuula,

I have four classes: 3D, 4C, 6A, and 6C. The children in these classes are aged 9-12 years old.
If you havenā€™t received our postcard yet, we can send another one, but smaller. The problem might be the postcard size, and it is handmade. The girl who wrote it has asked me many times if the postcard has arrived.

Best regards,

We did receive you card. Thank you.

Hello again,

I talked to my sixth-graders. They are interested in writing letters to your children. There are 12 girls and 12 boys in this class. They are 11 and 12 years old. How would you like to start it? Do you want to send us letters first and we will answers to them later?

Tuula Jurmu

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Dear Tuula,

thank you for your message! Sorry, I didnā€™t receive your message as a direct reply, so I missed some updates. We will start to write letters! We are looking forward to this exciting exchange!


Thank you for your letter with beautiful, fun postcards! We will have much joy looking for your way to celebrate Saint John. We celebrate midsommer, here in the Northern countries. A thank you card is on its way.
Wish you the very best Tuula aka Tupu

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Hello Tuula, i received your reply postcard today. Itā€™s perfect! Very happy to know that my mail arrived. Hope the project is going well šŸ©·

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Hello Lisa,

My pupils were very enthusiastic reading your postcards and answering to them today. We have been very busy with projects of all kinds during the last month and I only see them two hours a week. I will send our replies on Monday, so the letter will not reach you before the holidays, sorry to say.

I wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a happy new year. And I hope to hear from you again in 2024:)
