Holidays Around the World

Hello all! I teach kindergarten at a rural school in Indiana. We are getting ready to learn about holidays around the world. Would any of you be willing to send us a card about a winter holiday that you celebrate? We are learning about Chinese New Year, Diwali, Christmas (in various countries), St. Lucia Day, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah and Posadas, but would love to learn about any holiday you would like to tell us about!

I am willing to swap postcards. I have some Harry Potter, sloths, North American animals, LouPaper, as well as ones about my town from a local photographer.

Please send me a message if you are interested and I will send you our address. Please include your address if you would like a postcard back! Thank you for opening up my students worldview!

Thank you! :slight_smile:


Dear Aubrey,
Good morning from Japan!
I would love to share about how we celebrate Japanese New Year via New Years Postcard (Nengajo).
Looking forward to hear from you :wink:


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Hi Ayu! Oh my goodness, that would be amazing! Thank you for being willing to be involved! I will send you a message with our school address. Thank you!! :smiley:

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Hi Aubrey! I have just the right idea to write on a postcard about a Christmas tradition here in Italy, I’m sending you a PM :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

I have some chinese new year cards from Taiwan

I’m originally from Nicaragua and had lived in Florida since 1986. We do have a tradition unique among Spanish countries for Christmas holidays. And yes, I would love to receive a postcard back!
I’m including my address,

Address removed by the Administrator. Please use the private email system to exchange addresses.

@RaffeFiliponi That would be amazing! Please send me a PM and we can exchange addresses! :smiley:

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@Superchick3 , that would be so cool! Please send me a PM and we can exchange addresses! :smiley: