Hidden profiles in Forum

When participating to Forum activities such as RR I often want to check the profile of a member to send an appropriate card. I hit onto “This user’s public profile is hidden.” once in a while and it makes me wonder what the purpose of it is, and how to unhide the profile, as they are participant to the same activity as me and I want to do them a favour.

I know that I can find a profile of the individual via Explore - Search - Username to get a profile which I thought so far was the public one. Confusion all around


I dont want others to know when my last log in time :smile:

You cant unhide their profile, only them can unhide it

You dont have to do that. Just click postcrossing logo next to their username


I also have issues with it too when I want to tag them but I cannot tell which country they are from.


Sure, but that’s the Postcrossing profile.

I have separate profiles for official Postcrossing and Forum RR’s, because I don’t want to make the official one sound too demanding with links to collections and Flickr favourites etc. I’m actually surprised not more people have that :thinking:

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I saw some members wrote something like this below their postcrossing profile:

If you tag me or in the same RR with me… bla bla bla… bla bla bla…
This is link to my collection… xxxxx…xxxx…xxx


It can also be they just forgot to unhide it, if they kept it hidden when not taking part in tags?
(I don’t take part, and have it hidden, and still I think last week someone tagged me…some think you can tag just anyone, apparently.)
Or they don’t have any more information to tell, than it is in their profile already.