Help needed to identify cards from Belgium

Hello everybody,

I have these good cards from Brugge (Bruges) in Belgium, but sadly it is not written which buildings they show. Could anybody help? Thanks a lot in advance!



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Card A shows the Holy Blood Basilica.

Card B shows a house of the beguinage.

Card C shows the building of the Brugse Vrije.


Wonderful, I am so grateful and do marvel at how fast you answered me! Thanks a lot and may you have a sunny day!


I knew the beguinage on the spot.
But with the others I just know that I had seen them and I guessed that the first one had to do with the townhall, so I googled “Brugge townhall”, found that this building is at the end of the townhall and then found it on Google Maps. For the last one I needed the Google picture search. It is opposite to the townhall.
Have you ever been to Brugge? It is worth a visit!
And they can speak French there, besides Dutch, English and some German.


Oh yes, I was to Brugge at least three times, but only on short visits and that was years ago! I love this town, as there is so much history still alive in it.
And, well, I have no VPN for the time being and cannot access anything google, Flickr and such… nor wikipedia… It is a bit bothering, as I have to rely on friendly helpful postcrossers!

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Me too, I’ve been there doing Geocaching in February! :rofl:

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Really? Oh my goodness!