Help, I'm stuck and can't send any cards!

It happens to all of us. I’ve been here for something like 11 years and can have 30 cards traveling at once and I still often run out of slots and have to wait for one to open up.


This was a fear of mine. I actually just use my own mailbox, so it would be bizarre for them to have gotten stolen like that, but I suppose you never know. I hope it’s just a technical issue. I resent the one to NY today, and in an envelope this time, so I guess we’ll see!

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Thank you so much for this. It makes me feel less alone, ha. I’ll remain hopeful that they eventually arrive!

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These days quite a lot of my postcards travel extremely long:

I received a card from Bulgaria after 128 days, one of Australia after 120 days.

Yesterday a card to Italy arrived - after 84 days

My friend is also a PC-member. One of his cards to the Netherlands arrived after 168 days! We live almost at the border to the Netherlands :laughing: The card traveled average one kilometer a day! Another one to the Netherlands arrived after 128 days. :laughing: Snail mail at its best!


Wow! That both sounds dreary and makes me feel better at the same time!

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The card to Germany should have arrived within one week, if you sent it by Royal Mail and chose air mail.


A fourtnight from USA to Germany is quite common, sometimes they even take 17 or 18 days.


Another newbie here and I feel your pain!!! I have sent and received the same as you, and hate to tell you my in transit cards are now ranging from 14 - 30+ days. I’m feeling very stifled and I know it will turn around, but it’s definitely not the initial experience I expected it would be.
Fingers crossed we will have some action soon!!!


I’d say that postcrossing gave me some lessons in patience.:face_with_hand_over_mouth:


I can only send 10 official cards and a few of mine have expired or arrived after 100 days!

I would suggest Tags and Round Robins in the forum if you want to send and receive more cards.

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You’ll just have to come back again and try them won’t you!

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Postcrossing has taught me so much about patience, too! :love_letter: I currently have 17 slots, and when in lived Finland, I was constantly stuck since most of my cards went to Russia and took quite some time. Sometimes it was frustrating, and I would request a new address immediately when I had a slot available. :grin:

Now in Germany things are moving much faster for me. Many of my cards sent within Germany need only 1–3 days to be delivered, and I’m also very surprised by the travel times to Russia! Most of my cards to Russia now seem to need only 10–15 days of traveling, instead of 20+ it used to be. It feels very weird to me since Finland and Russia are neighbours. :thinking: I’m not complaining, though. In fact I currently only have 10 out of 17 traveling because I can’t keep up at the moment!

But yes, patience is the key. Things eventually get better for every new postcrosser, slowly but steadily. :+1:


When were you in Finland? Because during the last summer and autumn the mail delivery to Russia was completely stuck, but now it has been quite normal. My latest card to Russia travelled 16 days, others around 30 days.

I left Finland in the end of January and was sending cards up until then. Late summer and autumn were terribly slow indeed, and at some point the route was completely blocked, but I still feel like travel times from Germany are a bit shorter compared to the usual ones from Finland!


I deside that my mail was in this truck cause my postcards have not got to were they were going… lol sending new.


As if by magic, my card to Russia has arrived and a slot opens. Just goes to show what happens when you start to panic; everything falls into place in the end.

23 days from Glasgow to Ekaterinberg isn’t so bad, in the current circumstances and judging by what I have learned in this. Anna my recipient is pleased that I included some hamdwritten Russian on my card. I always try to include at least something in the recipient’s language and I take some pride in being able to do Russian handwriting. It’s not always possible, alas.

Off to Spain next!


Very nice! I sent a Russian card at the beginning of the month just as they were about to stop American postal service to there; I’m hoping it made it into a sack across the ocean at the last minute anyway.


There are many reasons why postcards can be late. Here, in Norway, we only get post each second day, meaning one week we get monday, wednesday, friday, the other week we get tuesday and thursday. Then you have some holiday where there is no post. So e.g. Easter is from thursday to monday, thst means it can happen that you won’t get post for a whole week. I can imagine that other countries have similar things.

An then there are other circumstances like Corona/Ukraine… post normally ttavels by plane. Less planes, longer waiting time.

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Oh … so that’s where my errant cards are … in the bottom of a river! :rofl:


You’re never stuck if you join the forum games :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: