Help - Achieving good quality scans of sent and/or received postcards?

Maybe make the “thumb holding” situation more intentional would help^^

I usually take a picture and crop out the background with a scanning app, but there’s this one card that I sent from Taipei 101’s observatory on the 89th floor, I took a picture and showed the view from 382 meters abouve the ground! It has now expired and never arrived, but I still hope that it’ll get registered someday.

Since that, I think it’s super fun to have the pictures taken with a fun background that shows where the card has been. I would love to see a thumb holding my card with it’s surroundngs!


Interesting…fortunately that has never happened to me.

I scan all my cards before sending and sometimes scan ones I receive for my wall.


So many great replies! I always just used my phones scanning feature but now I am interested in using some of the apps mentioned. I often times receive beautiful cards and would like to rescan them myself to show off it’s colors. :slightly_smiling_face:


Does photoscan help to show better pixels than that of the phone camera itself? I would assume the photo wouold scan according to the phones capability, correct?
Those iPhones… best pictures ever! lol. I have a Android S21 and thought I had great picture quality until I seen iPhones and their picture quality. :rofl:

FYI…my photos are taken using Photoscan on a Galaxy A20. (I can’t afford an iPhone and don’t want to move to a different operating system for any/all of my hardware.)

Photoscan uses whatever you’re using on your phone for resolution. Mine is pretty high and, in fact, after I’ve taken care of any edits and filters, I usually save the image DOWN to a lower resolution for posting and saving. It doesn’t make sense to me to upload a 4 mg photo that will be represented as a 1 x 1-1/2" graphic on my wall.

But all that is just me! :flushed: