Haven't recieved one card yet

Hi there,

I’m here for about a month and haven’t received one card yet, when did you get your first postcard?

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Depending on where you first card is coming from, it can definitely be a while. Consider the postal delays due to covid as well. Several weeks would not be uncommon, I don’t think.

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Hi @kalli1977 and welcome! :smiley:
Your first card was registered on May 27th and that’s the date when your address was first given out to other members. That’s 19 days now, so I believe your first card will arrive soon. But depending on where it comes from it might take another week or two.

Postcrossing is slow at first but it will pick up some speed over time and there’s always the possibility to participate in the various forum activities such as swaps, tags and RRs (Round Robins).


I joined on 7 October 2013 and received my first card on 24 October 2013. It came from Russia somewhere east of lake Baikal to Germany!
Welcome! Your first card will come soon!


Iceland? Wow! I don’t know if your country’s postal service fast or slow. My card from Russia to Iceland travelled 57 days last year. But Russian post is unpredictable and usually very slow.

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If you check the setting for only getting cards from countries other than your own, it can take longer. Because mail within the same country is usually faster.

While you are waiting, you can try the Tags which can be very fast - you choose a subject you are interested in, read the rules and then go to the bottom of the thread and tag the last person. You message them for their address, then you send them a card of that theme and often within a few hours or days someone else tags you, asks for your address and then mails you a card on that same theme. It’s extra Postcrossing fun!

Welcome to this really fun community.



I actually just got my first card yesterday! As soon as whoever you sent to gets theirs someone else gets your address and sends to you. At least that’s how I’m understanding it! :relaxed:

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It was over a month before I got my first card, and the arrivals continued, at a trickle, for a while yet. But, the did come.
Please be patient. Postcards will come.
Meanwhile, consider joining some of the fora. Such as “Write Back my Postcard” or “Traveling Envelopes”, like Big Fat Envelopes full of fun postcarding stuff. There is likely something of interest to you to keep your enthusiasm high.
And welcome to this awesome community! My first anniversary is end of this month and I am so glad I joined!
Cheers! :dancer:


The OP is from Iceland. They have just a few postcrossers there, so it is not very likely that your hint helps here very much.

Thank you Ralph

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I will, thx :slight_smile:

I sent my first cards on March 2nd, 2018. The very first one went to China, sadly it never arrived. The 2nd one to Germany took a whopping 10 days to get registered!

The first card for me finally arrived on March 28th, then a few more on April 1st. I still remember it felt like forever, and I’m so glad I discovered the forum early on, it helped me so much!

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At first I was also worried that I didn’t receive a postcard right away but it really depends where it’s coming from. If you are unsure you can send a message to postcrossing support.