Have a yarn

Argh, Aus Post, always finding a way to piss me off.

I placed an order on their website on 16 August, and it is still ‘Pending’. No communications from them at all, and they are so hard to contact.

Anyone else having trouble with online orders right now?


So when the Aussie member that I’ve just sent an official postcard to receives it…and sees that it is postmarked two days before I actually drew your address…you’ll know that it’s because Canberra is just ‘special’ like that!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Sorry! Obviously the clerk is not used to being asked for pictorial postmarks and neither of us checked the dates on them…so yeah! I used my Tardis to send your postcard today…you’re welcome :partying_face:!


In the new year I’m off to Christmas Island and the Cocos Islands :grinning: just booked everything! Just looked at them on the postcrossing countries list and I’m excited to maybe get to send CC-1 :open_mouth:


Have lots of fun and a safe trip!


How fantastic @missmelbourne! I can’t wait to hear about your adventures! And fingers crossed for CC-1! :partying_face:


My Big Things arrived today! I can finally start sending them c:


I bought some big things too :grinning:


For our Melbournians, the Museum had some cards when I was there!

Sometimes I’m half tempted to make a list of places, but I’m not sure if that would be of use to people?

Thanks Vicki (Mundoo) for your World Postcard Day postcard!! It just arrived!
Hindmarsh Island to Bacchus Marsh in 5 days … not bad at all.


Actually it was better than 5 days! They never got posted until Tuesday lunchtime as that was when I was in Goolwa. Mail goes out of Goolwa at 4:15pm. (Mon was a public holiday here in SA).


Though I was additionally surprised yesterday when chatting with my sister in Melbourne and the postcard I sent her had arrived as well.

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i received 2 (wpd) cards in “5” days too - nsw also had a public holiday on monday

thanks to
@CK_11 :love_letter: and @twinkledee :love_letter: who both earn wpd 2023 badges :slight_smile:



I got a WPD card from Australia too - it arrived from Tassie to Melbourne on Thursday, so only four days total.


I’m finally getting around to sorting out my late Aunt’s postcard box, and this one tickled me. What else do you do when on holidays but tell people which supermarket you went to??


I can see Safeway going on everyone’s Gold Coast Christmas-time adventure list!! :crazy_face:

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I feel so silly, I went to Surfers and didn’t go to the shops!

I’m up to my armpits in postcards, mostly unused but a LOT from overseas. Might do some forum giveaways for those, the ones that aren’t general themes like castles or gardens.

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I think these are delightful :joy: I once participated in a forum tag which was like “the worst card you desperately want to get rid of” and someone sent me a postcard from the same era but of a motel rather than a supermarket. It was so gaudy but I absolutely loved it.


Finally starting to get my cards - I got @Midnight4225 's WPD card! Just waiting for one other Aussie swap, I thiiink?


Aaaarregggghhhhh!!! I really did think that after two years of Postcrossing the whole twiddling of thumbs thing would have eased off. And for a while there, I was so excited as my cards did seem to be travelling from Oz more quickly.

But now…I’m almost a week with nothing registered and my travelling times are starting to blow out again and I’m SO not the patient person I thought I was becoming :tired_face:.

I could understand if it was a result of my holding back before WPD. But it’s not. I have cards that should have arrived by now…but they haven’t. Possibly sunning themselves in Barbados, en-route? Who knows. I don’t. ACK!!!’

I’m not really looking for a reply. Just, you know, to be heard…:grimacing::yum::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.

I’ve noticed it too, actually! Both recievING and recievED seem to be taking longer and it does bother me a bit :frowning: Especially in the case of swaps when I want to be sure they get there safe!! I’m a little grouchy with Auspost because it feels like when I got into PC (again, properly this time) a few months back, they’d pop something in my mail each day - now I’m lucky to get mail twice a week. But, I suppose, lead up to christmas…? I don’t know. Sometimes I wish I could just apply to work at my LPO, it’s just up the street! XD

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I used to have that in my postbox too. The most likely days for arrivals being a Tuesday or Wednesday (if I’m remembering correctly) and then maybe a straggler or two appearing on Thursday or Friday. And rarely anything on Monday. I thought it was a combination of my not having a lot of incoming mail, and the schedule of planes from The US or Germany (mainly) into Sydney and then the sorting timeframe.

This has changed for me though. Right now I’m getting a trickle all week. Which I’m loving! But with my lack of registered cards, and my cutting back on swaps and tags etc to save money…I imagine I’ll be back to a small clump of deliveries one or two days per week too.

In my case, I don’t believe it has anything to do with the LPO where my post box is. If they get it, it’s in my postbox that day. They’re great. For me, I’m pretty sure it’s more to do with the sorting facility at Fyshwick and the schedule of trucks down the highway from Sydney. And sorting in Sydney itself.

This week I received two delayed cards on the same day. An 82 days card from the US and a 131 day card from China. Made me wonder if they stumbled on an old bag of mail in the Sydney sorting centre? But it could just be a coincidence that two old cards arrived on the same day.

And now…literally as I was typing this reply…the 36 day Taiwan card has been registered! Hallelujah! :partying_face: I thought if I ‘complained aloud’ Murphy would ensure they arrived five minutes later!! :yum:

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