Has anyone sent postcards from Germany to Kazan, Russia?

Hi everyone! I’d like to ask if anyone has sent mail to Kazan, Russia? I’d like to know how long it took.
I asked my German friend for help to send a postcard from Germany to Kazan, Russia as my country currently suspended services to mail to Russia. However, I haven’t gotten a message from my Russian friend about getting the postcards.

Thanks in advance!

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You can search for users in specific countries, regions or even cities on the main site. Here’s the search, just enter “logged in within last week” (to avoid inactive users), Russia, Tatarstan, Kazan. Then go to their received list and filter for Germany :slight_smile: You’ll have a much better answer than you’d get here for single items.

Here’s an example from one of the profiles (all Germany to Kazan, Russia):



Thanks for sharing!

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I sent two or three cards to Kazan, but it was a long time ago (several months/years). There has been a big problem about post to Russia for a long time. Basically, almost half of my cards to Russia never arrive. (And I always send a second, follow-up card - but to no avail).
If they do arrive, they will typically be on their way for 4-5 weeks at least, sometimes longer. So be patient!


It might be a problem temporarily at one of Moscow sorting centers, and most foreign mail enters through Moscow - one of sorting machines there was broken which delayed mail within Russia significantly (like 2 months for mail from Moscow to Moscow, only now we are getting mail sent in April). But so far my experience with Russian post is that they all arrive eventually =)


Thanks for sharing!

I see :open_mouth: Hopefully it arrives before 2025 :joy: