Has Anybody Heard From Member Ceejayev Recently?

Thursday, May 23, 2024 - 17:41 (UTC -5)

Hello, All:

Two months ago, I bought two shoe boxes of mixed postcards from a local dealer and was dismayed to find a handful of Postcrossing postcards from quite a few years ago that had been sent to Member Ceejayev. Among the Postcard IDs are DE-3223909 (from 2014) and BR-396476 (from 2016), see below. Note that I have removed all identifying information from this JPEG image of BR-396476 in order to prove that, in fact, I have this and other related cards now in my possession.

I looked up these cards and they’re still out there on Ceejayev’s Received Wall. Her Profile says she hasn’t logged on in six years. So I sent her a message from her Profile page asking if she was okay and if there was anything I could do for her but never heard back (about a month ago).

It’s not a good sign when an established Postcrosser’s postcards end up in a dealer’s bulk sales.

Has this happened to any other current active Postcrossers (acquiring another Member’s Postcrossing postcards)? If so, what did you do about it?



Not to automatically assume the worst but, have you tried googling her name and town to see if there is an obituary?

Thanks, yes, I did. Nothing really. No obit. Pretty much disappeared, especially recently.

She posted on the Instagram linked to her profile 1 day ago, so she’s certainly still out there:) maybe try messaging her there, her username is @ceejayev there too


Her Instagram is linked on her profile and she posted 1 day ago and 3 days ago. So I think she’s probably okay :slightly_smiling_face:

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First and foremost, it is such a sweet gesture of you to be concerned about her and how you wanted to return the items belonging to her. Very sweet and heartwarming.
It’s also very sweet and endearing to see the forum members assuring how she is fine (Thank God!)

But to address the main issue that you raised

Being new to philately etc, I was also contacted by many dealers, and people who generally buy from them and all, what I came to know is that often people clear out their collection / put them on sale and dealers buy them and re sell them again.
In that way, though I am not into collecting serious Philatelic materials, but I did get a few from these people who either had to sell for they are shifting or they had to sell as they are leaving the country and can’t take the materials along with themselves or by grandchildren/children who would rather pass on to interested people than keep them themselves.

Though I am not sure, but assuming she hasn’t logged into the account for 6yrs it seems she wanted to let go of the hobby (for various reasons known to her and understandable) and that’s how it ended up with a dealer and now you… all in all, you were to be the rightful owner and you are. But still, I do feel you can contact her at her IG to inquire if she lost her items or something so that in that way you both can chalk out something?

This also brings me to suggest from the conversation we were having at the Expired Postcards threadthat PC should look into these not logged in accounts and take some action too.

Anyway pls correct me if I am wrong, I am new to everything here and don’t understand most of the things, I am learning and I hope to learn and improve better. :smiling_face:


No idea, but I’m so glad someone is asking. I often wondered if anyone would notice if I didn’t log in for a long time. Even if this is benign, I’m glad someone thought to check on her to be sure. :heart:


Thanks, everyone! All’s well that ends well. Glad she’s out there somewhere and active. Whatever the story is about those postcards, that’s a mystery for another day. So long for now. Michael


Many people sell the cards they don’t like or that they have many of.
One told in their profile that they send cards they don’t like to another postcrossing member, by glueing something on top of the message. I reported this member, and now that part of the profile is gone, but it doesn’t mean they still wouldn’t do it.

I think your intention is good, but for me it sounded a little creepy too. If I were somewhere for long, sold/gave my cards, yes, it could be nice someone thought what happened, but I really hope no one starts sharing here what have happened in others lifes. If any person likes to share it, they can write it to their profile or someone close to them can do it.

I have taken part in used card swap, I thought we send old cards, but I got someone’s postcrossing cards, that felt strange. Those were sent within a year, I decided I won’t look who these members are :blush: in order to avoid thinking should I tell them their cards are re-swapped.

Also someone had bought used cards, and gotten mine, then this person got my address in official postcrossing and told me about this. It was a series card, and the person sold duplicates of their series, so now I’m not interested in buying those series anymore.

So, I have accidentally gotten others Postcrossing cards, and also got to know that mine were sold, and that some re-send the ones they get.

I don’t think any of these are “right”.


I am now closing this help topic, as the TO’s question has been answered.

@xxxyyy Presumably there is already a topic in which there is a general discussion about giving away/selling described cards, were you can talk about that.
Thank you.