Hard to Please?

Every time you draw an address, you have to tick the box agreeing that you will send a postcard.


Yes, it must be a postcard. That is the only thing.
I have received photos and didn’t have to register it, one I did have to, as it was someone newly started.

You absolutely have to send a card, no matter whether you like the recipient’s profile or not. You cannot choose which postcrossers you send to and which ones you don’t. If too many of your cards don’t arrive, you will be blocked from postcrossing.

Choose a card you like, enjoy writing and decorating, post the card and forget about it. You will have done your bit and if the recipient doesn’t like it it’s their loss!


Omg, you’re totally right about being blocked. Now I remember I made an account in 2016 and my very first address was a very demanding one (I’m not the type of person who stocks up postcards) so I didn’t have some types of cards they’d appreciate. Short story it killed the mood and I never sent the card, so PC chose to delete my account :joy:

(Funny that I could still find this out)

Well glad to be back, and I hope PC team could do something about a very demanding postcrossers accounts that might kill the mood of other postcrossers especially newbies :crossed_fingers:t2:


Yes, this was my point. In such cases, we have already expended enough energy fretting about the difficult profile. There is no benefit in engaging ourselves in negative emotions. Then it feels more like a self-punishment.

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They actually did not so long ago and added a little reminder, that show up frequently at the end of a profile when drawning a new address. I dont remember the text but it is about the idea of Postcrossing - connecting not collecting.


Just drew another profile to send a postcard where the majority of preferences I cannot fulfill.

It is filled with illustrators, card series, and specifics that might be open to European Postcrossers, but largely inaccessible to North American Postcrossers. I have no shortage of places where I can obtain postcards and have plenty, but I would like to use what I have already.

The solution would be to emphasize topics and subjects that are broad and diverse enough to facilitate creative choice and engagement.

I could probably just send off a city view card or an artwork card and be done with it.

Do I let the recipient know in advance? Do I do the best I can? Do I send a city view? Is it a referral to the Postcrossing administrators?


I’ve had that dilemma myself! A long list of hyper specific requests can be a bit of a bummer.

You could absolutely just send off a nice view card or something about your town/province/Canada in general. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that, and there’s no need to give any warning or apologize. As long as you’re fulfilling the basic requirements (send a postcard!) you’re good to go :slight_smile:

You could mention it to them in the message or reply to the future Hurray message if you want, but it’s not necessary in my opinion. If you think the profile is excessively demanding or unfriendly, I think it’s totally fair to reach out to the admin team too. They’ll know exactly what needs to be done to help improve the profile and everyone’s experience.

What I tend to do if I can’t match a specific illustrator or series is generalize the topic. So for example, I recently drew an address that requested the Flower Fairies series if possible. I love that series but don’t have any, so they got a pretty watercolor card with fairies and flowers on it. It was even from a similar time period! I was pretty pleased with myself actually lol. So I mentioned that connection in the message, but that was it. Hopefully they’ll like it!


Thank you for your perspective; I have done what you have suggested previously, and that is sending postcards adjacent to preferences stated in their profile.

I guess after one bad transaction, I did not expect something similar to pop up again when I wanted to send another postcard out.

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I’m sorry you’ve had a string of less than stellar experiences! I really hope that your next few Hurray messages and addresses are warm, welcoming and full of simple, pleasant wishes to fulfill :heart:

I’m sure the adjacent wish fulfillment will be perfect for your addressee! As long as you’re sending a card with good intentions, no one has any grounds to complain :slight_smile:


I just draw an address in a different app, SIMILAR to Postcrossing - NOT postcrossing (apparently it was not clear) - and I never came across a profile so demanding and unfriendly before. It starts with: “PLEASE WITHOUT STICKERS!!! THEY SPOIL THE POSTCARD AND I PEEL THEM OFF! PLEASE WITHOUT ENVELOPE. PLEASE WITHOUT MULTI-VIEWS AND DOGS. I like beautiful stamps. Painted cards better than photo.” :unamused:

I love to choose the perfect card for each profile and decorate it, but in this case I send her a postcard I didn’t like, used common stamps and wrote “Happy postcrossing!” on it. I just couldn’t force myself to send anything better.


Don’t worry about not having anything from the list. I have a list of topics I like in my profile too but I hope people don’t think those are the only things I like! Nobody can list all the things they may like. I read the lists as things someone especially likes/collects. If I have anything from the list, awesome! It is like a bonus. If I don’t, it is no big deal. I send what I have :blush:


I had the same Profile here in postcrossing just recently. I did the same.


If it was not on Postcrossing (you said it was an app similar to Postcrossing), why write Happy Postcrossing? :thinking:

It could be that in her understanding, postcrossing not only a site but also the activity of sending/swapping postcards in general, imo. I often use the word postcrossing as an activity, although I’m not sure it’s a legit verb in dictionary lol

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Because that’s what she asked in her profile. Most of the people who use other websites and apps to exchange postcards are part of Postcrossing as well.

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I see! I hadn’t considered that it is always the same people going round :joy:

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Hey Mey,
I get those postcard demands as well. These kind of people show up in real life, too! I don’t take their demands personally though. In fact the more persnickety they are , the more I look for a happy card. I write something very thoughtful. Almost all the time, I get a reply with appreciation. Try it and see what happens.


We totally agree with you. When we started postcrossing we were almost overwhelmed by the first profiles. The requests included artists and names - we didn’t even know them. Shall we go into town now to look for such cards? No, because it is a wish to get such a card. We now have a stock of cards, including those that we don’t necessarily like, but that make others happy.

But we still cannot satisfy everyone. Our city is almost 700 years old. There are cards with cityscapes, historical buildings and special places. Then we will send such a card. There is always a story about the photo, which we then share.

And we haven’t received any negative feedback yet.

With 806,448 members, you can’t please everyone!


It’s already more than asked, if you can fulfill one.

But remember: you don’t even need to read the profile. You can just write the address and id and choose what card you want to send. The wishes might be there to help European postcrossers choose the card.

If there’s just a normal wishlist, even long, that’s only a list of wishes. No pressure.
You don’t need to write anything about it to the recipient, but of course you can.