Hard to Please?

Yesterday I got my first profile that I though was kind of hard to please. The list of things they like was very specific and I didn’t have anything from it, which usually means I send a card showing some buildings from my city but in the things they did not like was buildings :cry: I ended up getting a bit creative with another card I had to make it fitting and I decorated the back with stickers and wrote a long message but since it is the first where I couldn’t find a fitting card at all, I am a bit worried if they will like it.

I currently don’t have many cards because I have only recently started postcrossing. Most of the cards I have are touristic cards from my city or cards from a postcard calendar with optical illusions I had years ago. I’m thinking of getting one of these big postcard boxes but it’s so difficult to pick.

I’m just wondering…
Am I the only one who prefers people with long and specific wishlists over people who declare “send me whatever, single and multiple view cards are OK, but whatever”?:thinking:


I got a quite cool postcard today but the person was quite unhappy with me and told me that I‘m too picky and how to behave. After registering it I could see his profile and it is almost a book. :rofl:
It made my day. Male and female Karens exist everywhere. :crazy_face:


Me too, but I think that’s due to the fact that I have a very large stash and that I’m not afraid to send something that’s not on the list. :grin:


for me it depends a bit on how it’s worded. if it’s a kind profile with a wishlist and i happen to have a card from the list that would make me very happy. but i love profiles where they just talk about themselves and tell what they like and i can pick a random card and talk about shared interests.


Many of my university students got the two mixed up as well :joy:

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The profile is limited to 3000 characters only


I’m with you in this boat! :blush:

That’s my problem all the time, there are so many things I want to say. :scream::joy:


I feel like many people write it this way, but simpler and at the beginning. If someone writes:
I live in … with my dog. I love animals and long walks in the nature. In my free time I read many books. I watch a lot of TV series. I work as engineer and like technical stuff. I can’t imagine my life without coffee.
I wouldn’t be surprised, if their list looks like this:

  • trains, railway, ships,
  • dogs,
  • chimpanzees, deers, dolphins,
  • forests and trees,
  • books and libraries,
  • Dr. Who, Stranger Things, F.R.I.E.N.D.S.,
  • coffee,
  • Inge Löök,
  • Moomin,
  • Krtek.

And very often part of the list is self-explanatory - people just see postcards series somewhere else and simply like them (it’s my feeling) - there’s no big story behind it.:thinking:

I wrote my profile in this manner. Wishlist and questions (which in theory might help people without any ideas what to write) are after personal info. I assumed that not all people might be interested in these parts.

@nnniiina :raised_back_of_hand:

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Me too, I keep revising it to add things or rewording it to make sure I’m not being too pushy!


Sometimes the list can be so specific that I don’t even know a single item on it haha. It doesn’t bother me though.

Another thing that I really appreciate is when people have at least one or two pages of favourites. I don’t necessarily look for a specific card but rather for an idea of the type of esthetics and possibly colour schemes that the person enjoys.


I realized what I personally don’t like in Hard to please category…
People who have amassed a collection of 4568 postcards and expect to never receive doubles… I mean, do you really think I’m supposed to go through your whole collection?:exploding_head:


oh yeah and then they put a bunch of links for you to go through. nope. i do go through the received wall and if it’s a lot at least received from my country. but that’s mostly curiousity.

today i got a profile that said they don’t mind getting duplicates because it’s the back of the card that counts. i love profiles like that.


I do this (though not if there are 10,000,000xyz cards) when albums, e.g. on Flickr, are well organized.

On the other hand I’d never expect people to do this in my collection.

I’ve only one card so far which I received four times (funny: this album hasn’t had a lot of cards at that time :sweat_smile:), some are double, but of course every text on the back is unique :heart:

But I met people in my postcrossing career with a tons of received cards, dead links to their albums and the expectation that people browse every single (dead) album…ehm…nope!!


I’ve had two Postcrossers with similar requests in the past, and when I didn’t meet their demands exactly as they saw fit, their “Hurray” messages were really rude and nasty… along the lines of “I asked for this and you didn’t do it so I don’t thank you”. It made me angry that I even bothered to put effort into sending cards that I thought were nice/appropriate.


I would report that (the entitled hurray messages, it won’t let me quote the whole post) to the admins. I signed up to Postcrossing because it says clearly it is not about collecting and you are not obliged to send what is requested/make requests.

I find that sad more than anything… that the same image, sent by different people, at different times, with different words etc. is considered a duplicate.


Particularly if they start their profile with sentences like “I always do my utmost to fulfil your wishes” meaning that they do expect the same from me.


Not a complaint, just a sharing

Today I got an address of member whose profile is only talking about one specific country. All they like is everything from country X. All they wish for is everything from country X. They listed all country X cartoon, artist, culture, etc.

I know that we don’t have to fulfill wishlist. I know that we can send any card we want. But this kind of profile is kind of let down. There are 248 countries listed in Postcrossing. You should be more open to other cultures, not only for one specific country. I don’t even know what card I should send and what I should write :man_shrugging: :woman_shrugging:


Talk about your country. This person already knows a lot about country x, you can be a reason for he/she fall in love with other countries and find the beauty in diversity. :wink: I’m sure you can tell him/her an unknown fact about Indonesia. :smiley: