Handmade... Is this really a postcard?

I received a 21cm x 21cm painting today in the post. The sender writes that it’s not really a postcard, it’s a painting. I’m quite disappointed with it. I’m happy to receive hand made cards but if you are making it yourself at least make it postcard sized.

I even ask for smaller cards only because I haven’t got a way to store or display the thing. :roll_eyes:

Your profile says only that you don’t want “large” cards, maybe you should be more specific, but you have so many received my guess is you won’t seriously stress if only one or two are a bit, well…out of bounds.

(and I hope someday that artist draws my address…I try to make my cards A6 or close to, because otherwise I have to pay extra (sometimes a lot extra) to send them. For exactly that reason, I love receiving anything that DeutschePost won’t let me send.)


Yes I think I’ll live! It is truly gigantic though and hasn’t traveled well due to the size either.

I would be over the moon to receive one
They really are stunning
What do you cover the flowers in to survive the post

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These are STUNNING :heart_eyes:

These are beautiful too

Thanks, that’s really kind of you!

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Really? I would be honoured and thrilled to receive a handmade card. The fact that someone took the time to make it for me, to be creative on my behalf. I would be happy to make them for others too, but I can see that it doesn’t appeal to everyone. I guess it’s best if people indicate their preference either way.

I don’t mind handmade cards. I agree with several folks on this topic that someone took the time to create a card and that card was gifted to me. So I thank them very much. In reality, out of all my postcards, the ones I send out, the most favored are my homemade ones where I took a photo I’d taken and clued it to a piece of heavy stock paper. I also love cemetery art postcards, but there doesn’t seem to be much out there to purchase, so I create my own with pictures of cemetery art I’ve taken over the years. What types of cards do you like and wish were readily available?

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I would personally love to receive a handmade card (I’m pretty new here and only ever received one post card as of now.) I have so far made all of my post cards homemade where I make the art on bristle board and add a laminate over the top so the card will be more secure and waterproofed at least on one side. So technically home made but still a durable postcard.

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I hope I don’t sound too arogant in my honesty, that I myself as an artist are not too keen on receiving handmade cards, because most of them are not what I would send out.
When I first came here, I was totally shocked, that in so many “abouts” I have read “no handmade cards”. But now I deeply understand this. Most of the cards that people sent out are really not artful at all.

Sometimes I wish there would be a place here for just swap cards made by artists. But this seems too exclusive. (And of course there are other places online to swap ATCs…)


@LaWendeltreppe I can totally see you point and would probably feel the same if I had the talent and skills of a real artist.
Failing that I am very happy to have found a corner on the postcrossing forum where non-artists like myself can exchange handmade cards. I enjoy this and I’ve learned so much since joining the Handmade RR, I wouldn’t want to miss it in my life anymore! And even though most of my cards are rather simple and nothing one would call “art” it makes me very happy to exchange them with like-minded people - it’s like therapy for my soul sometimes! :slight_smile:


I can understand this. This is why I sometimes think, it would be best to have a forum for non-artist creative workers to swap cards and for the “more professionels”.
But this is nonsense, because what for one is art, could be crap for another.

I am happy to hear, that you learned a lot. That’s great. And don’t mind me, my expectations are much higher than those of others, I’m sure.


Great Style! :yum: Really nice crafting

I feel the same way! I have only just received my first card since I re-joined Postcrossing on 1-Oct, though I have sent out several now and have maxed out my “traveling” ones. I was very surprised to see how many people say “no handmade” cards. I absolutely LOVE to create a new postcard by decorating, drawing on it, or making a collage.

Can others’ handmade cards really be that bad? Why would someone go through the effort of sending trash? I see that so many here have affirmed that some handmade ones are pretty bad. But I’m just baffled as to WHY anyone would send something flimsy or poorly made when it would certainly be less effort to just use a store-bought card?


The answer is very easy: People have different tasts. Some folks just love cards with some washi tapes and a bunch of stickers, clippings of teddy bears and that’s about it.
It’s nice, when the other person thinks so too. But what if not…that’s the problem.

Ah, makes sense! It’s hard for me to see the perspective of NOT enjoying something that someone took time to create. But I can see if people maybe have different goals because they are collecting maybe? Interesting…


I really like your attitude. This is the reason why I keep all cards (unless they are sexistic or utterly violent or offending)- it’s because someone went thru all the trouble of choosing, writing, decorating, buying stamps and sending and this is a little wonder in itself, to do all this for a stranger.


Good gracious–people send violent or sexual images on their postcards?! :flushed:

Sometimes. Not real porn or violence, but things that are not family friendly or sexistic in my eyes, like women in bikinis with “f…me” looks. It’s ok, when people write, they like that. But I would never send such a card to someone, without knowing if the receiver wants it and of course many many postcrossers have children who are eager to see, what postman or -woman has brought today.