Hamburg Meetup, 25 September 2021, Heimathafen

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Hamburg
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Gasthaus Heimathafen, Baumwall 7, 20459 Hamburg
:calendar: DATE: Saturday, 25 September 2021
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12.00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: We meet in the restaurant, have something to eat, talk, sign cards, and have fun together

This is a replacement for Postcrossing (Legacy) Forum - CANCELLED Meeting: Hamburg 18 April 2020 - CANCELLED … let’s hope this one will work! Otherwise I’ll give it another try next summer, since Corona numbers typically go down then.

So, next attempt. We will meet in the Gasthaus Heimathafen, just outside the U-Bahn station “Baumwall”. Careful: there is no U-Bahn service between the central station (Hauptbahnhof) and Baumwall at the moment due to construction; either take the MetroBus number 2 or take the S-Bahn (S1, S3) from Hauptbahnhof to Landungsbrücken and then either walk a bit longer on foot or take the U3 for one stop from Landungsbrücken to Baumwall.

The meeting is scheduled for 12 o’clock (noon). The side room is reserved in the name “Newton”.

I’ve reserved space for 20 right now but can adjust that up or down depending on how many people sign up. I have to tell them the (more or less) final number about a week in advance. The maximum will probably be 24.

Important It’s impossible to guess what the Corona restrictions will be like in September. As of right now (early August), people who are vaccinated or have a negative test may sit next to each other without the need for social distancing, so more people can fit into the same room; we may be able to go up to 24 people. If Corona restrictions mandate more distancing, meaning that the maximum number of people in the room is reduced, I may need to remove some sign-ups / move them to a waitlist. And since I’m inviting, I might not go by strict order of sign-ups (e.g. if someone who signed up later is someone I would really like to have at the meeting, they might “win” over someone who signed up earlier whom I don’t know well).

Please plan on having to provide proof of health: either that you are fully vaccinated (2 shots more than 14 days ago), have recovered from a previous infection, or have a recent (<24h) negative test from an official testing centre. You may also need to have the Luca app and check in with that. But we won’t know the exact measures required until closer to the date.

Meetup card: I will not be designing an official meetup card for this meetup. Other people are welcome to make their own and offer them to other participants, though. For example, @Cassiopheia has designed a card here: Hamburg Meetup, 25 September 2021, Heimathafen - #15 by Cassiopheia . Orders should go directly to her.

Current sign-ups:

  1. @pne (Philip)
  2. @Angel84 (Melanie)
  3. @Angel84 (Laureen)
  4. @Pelke (Waltraud)
  5. @Cassiopheia (Svenja)
  6. @KalliRose (Ines/Seni)
  7. @Vorti (Bärbel)
  8. @Millefolia (Birgit)
  9. @DJ2108 (Doris)
  10. @DJ2108 (Jan)
  11. @max_charly (Ingrid)
  12. @max_charly (Claus)
  13. @Muneca (Ami)
  14. @kiddy67 (Anja)
  15. @dororose (Doro)
  16. @Kuestenmaedchen (Nicole)
  17. @de_wikinger (Christian)
  18. @Cartero-57 (Arno)
  19. @-Kaktus- (Tatjana)
  20. @chuusolji (Lisa)
  21. @busy-marie (Marie)
  22. @busy-marie (Luis)
  23. @einfachich (Frauke)
  24. @sunshinehsv (Stefan)


  1. @Sunny1981 (Sandra P)
  2. @pumuckl (Ulrich)

Waiting list:

Can’t make it:

  1. @Naschi (Natascha)
  2. @dragon69
  3. @Juanla (Julia)
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If any other participant(s) come by train, maybe we can meet at the train station and go to the restaurant together :slight_smile:

I’m fully vaccinated.


I may also be able to guide such a group, if desired.

(Follow the yellow raincoat!)


Ich bin vollständig geimpft :slight_smile:

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we will take part with two people DJ2108 = Doris und Jan

we are vaccinated

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Ich auch :+1:t2:

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Ich bin auch vollständig geimpft

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Ich werde ĂĽbrigens keine offizielle Meetingkarte machen, aber jedem steht natĂĽrlich frei, selber Meetingkarten zu entwerfen und sie auch anderen anzubieten.

Wir nehmen mit zwei Personen teil. Ingrid und Claus, beide geimpft.
GrĂĽĂźe aus TĂĽbingen nach Hamburg.

@einfachich, vielleicht passt ja dieser Termin fĂĽr dich :wave:t2:

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Hallo zusammen, entwirft jemand meet-up Karten? Wir haben Interesse an den Karten. Wir könnten den Laufzettel erstellen, aber dann hat unsere Kreativität schon die Grenze erreicht. Beim erstellen von Karten sind wir keine große Hilfe.

@Cassiopheia, machst du vielleicht Meetup-Karten?

Wenn ich ne Idee hätte… war die Elphi nicht in Sichtweite von dem Lokal? Sonst schreib mir mal ne PN welche Motive Sinn machen würden / da dicht dran sind. Ich kenn mich nicht gut in Hamburg aus.

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Ja: Google Maps

Auch in der Nähe ist die Cap San Diego: Google Maps

Und auf der anderen Seite der Elbe ist das Musical König der Löwen: Google Maps

Oder irgendetwas mit „Heimat“ und „Hafen“? Ich bin nicht besonders kreativ.

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I have designed this meet up card design:

Deadline to order: September 05.

Costs: 25 Cents / card (+ postage fee if you want them before the meetup)

If you want to order:

  • reply to my post with the amount of cards and if you’d like to receive them at the meetup or before
  • get them sent to you: Payment via PayPal preferred, postage fees must be covered in addition to the card costs. I will only mail them after receiving the payment.
  • get them at meetup: Either advanced payment via PayPal or Cash at the meetup
  • I will contact you with the payment information once I have the cards at home

User Amount
@Cassiopheia 10 before
@pne 30 before
@Kuestenmaedchen 30 meetup
@dororose 100 before
@max_charly 60 before
@pumuckl 20 before
@Vorti 30 meetup
@Millefolia 20 before
@Angel84 35 meetup
@Bibiqueen 10 send together with other meetup cards
@i-love-hamburg 50 before
@Pelke 60 before
@KalliRose 20 before
@-Kaktus- 100 before
@Cartero-57 100 before
@Muneca 12 meetup
@busy-marie 40 before
@DJ2108 20 before
@Juanla 50 before
@Nelle_DE 25 before

Hi, can i swap? I cam offer from out meet up or my swap album

Ich habe jetzt die Reservierung erst mal auf 20 erweitert und den Nebenraum reservieren lassen, wo wir das letzte Mal waren.

Der Heimathafen hat mich gebeten, eine kleine Auswahl (5–6) an Gerichten zu treffen, aus denen ihr dann dort auswählen könnt – es werden dann kleine Speisekarten am Tisch liegen.

Um mir dabei zu helfen, eine Auswahl zu treffen, in der möglichst für jeden etwas dabei ist, schaut bitte mal in deren Speisekarte in der “Postille” (Link siehe unten) und schreibt mir (privat oder per Post hier in den Thread) bis spätestens zum 12.9., was ihr so gerne hättet – vielleicht auch zwei oder drei Alternativen. Ich schaue dann über die Liste und schicke dem Heimathafen meine Auswahl.

For de_Wikinger and me (Kuestenmaedchen) please 30 cards. We take these off at the meeting.

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de_Wikinger (Christian) and I (Nicole) like to come to the meeting. However, if the incidences continue to rise, we will make a decision at short notice.

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I can fully understand, but I’d like to mention that all orders for meetup cards present at September 05 need to be paid as I will order them on that date. So I need to pay the printing company, too. You can cancel any orders for the cards until that date of course.