Halloween Meet-up - Reading - Saturday 28 October 2023

I´m so excited. 5 days to my first meetup in UK :slight_smile:

Anyone need some things from Germany?

LG Martin

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I want to swap with somebody

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I’m all good thank you, Martin. See you on Saturday!


since it`s a Halloween Meet-up. I want to aske if there is a special dress code?

LG Martin

Hello Martin, no special dress code. I’ve got some bits for photos, but given that it’ll be the middle of the day and we of course won’t have venues to ourselves, I’m keeping my own dressing up minimal :jack_o_lantern:

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Hi there
Is it ok to join you on Saturday as I am now in the area? Please could I have 15 meet-up cards? Thanks, Tasha :blush:


Of course @tashac ! See you on Saturday!

Looks like it going to be my mum instead - Debbie. I’m looking forward to seeing you all at The Dairy! :slight_smile:

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Attendance list updated!

Hey, I haven’t been feeling well this week, I am sadly going to give this meetup a miss :disappointed:

Have a spooky one :jack_o_lantern:

Hopefully see some of you for Christmas :christmas_tree:

@chrisbonham11 I will send you message to arrange postage of the meetup cards :postcard:

I’m sorry to read that you’ve not been feeling well this week @Maddymail . Not to worry at all about not making tomorrow: use the time to rest up!

Please do message me about posting your cards to you especially as I don’t think I’ll be able to make either of the December meet-ups in Winchester or Manchester.

Take care!

Hello folks, I’ve just arrived at the MERL! I’m sat in the café with a coffee and a pastry. In case you don’t know me, I’m the blonde guy with a beard, wearing a blue jacket and orange t-shirt. See you soon! :jack_o_lantern:

Sorry running late! On the train to Reading. Will catch up with you.

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No worries! I’ll post here when we’re moving on to The Dairy.

Sorry we late.
Are you already in the Museum?

Hello @friedgold91 , the others have just left to explore the museum, but I’m still in the café for when you get here.

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Just leaving now - should be at The Dairy around 12:30ish :slight_smile:

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Grand! I will be through from the museum shortly.

There’s plenty of space for us to perch!

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@chrisbonham11 thank you for organising this spooky meeting. We had a great time!
Here some pics :ghost: