Greek translation of vintage postcards

Gia sou eimai komşu! Recently I purchased these cards from 80s from an antique shop and I need a translation of them. Also I would like to send them to Greece I’d anyone interested in swapping! Efxaristo!

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Hello Comsu!
1st card is Easter card, you know cards that people would send to each other for Happy Easter.
Easter is more important than Christmas for Greek people.
2nd card is for wishing Happy Name day…

Both cards are written in old style language which is not used anymore and they are also written in cursive which also very rare these days.

1st card:

Dear family of Stavros Dermatopoulos,
We wish you with all out heart Happy Resurrection Day and Happy Easter with health and eternal happiness.

With love
Family of Alex. Bougiouris
and Mrs Aggeliki

2nd card:
Our dearest Stavro,
Fevi and I are wishing you many happy returns (χρόνια πολλά = many years) with health and happiness. May we be the next year all together.

We greet you and we kiss you
… & Fevi

Hope that helps


I really appreciate your time and effort Fotis thank you! I have others from Brazil and France too. I never know if i should find the receiver or the sender or send them someone else :slight_smile:

Most probably the receiver and the sender are long gone by now…
Their children most probably placed these cards to the garbage bin where they were salvaged by a thrift store owner.
That is the sad circle of life…

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