Grateful for the thoughtfulness of others

Hi, I am fairly new to Postcrossing – only been a member about a month and a half. I just wanted to say how grateful I am at the thoughtfulness of others.

I’ve received lovely cards with pictures of the things I love: chocolate, books, and cities. One person actually sent me some chocolate to make hot chocolate! I’m happy to see people actually read my profile and have answered the questions I have posed. I’m feeling really low right now due to seasonal depression (winter here in the Northern Hemisphere), so receiving these cards really lifts my spirits.

I’m so thankful a friend of mine told me about Postcrossing. It is a godsend for me during this difficult time.

Thank you so much.


Glad you’re enjoying Postcrossing Carolyn!

It certainly helped get me through most of the 1st year of the pandemic. It was so great to be able to lose myself in a fun hobby & meeting new people & learning so much about postcards, stamps & mail systems.

I hope you’re playing some of the games on the Forum as well - games like tags, lotteries or direct swaps or round robins can also add to the fun.

Postcrossing is a special place & we’re lucky to be here!


Welcome to Postcrossing :heart: :mailbox_closed:
I joined last year in hopes it would fill the void of not being able to travel due to the pandemic. It has been a good thing for me. Happy to hear that you are receiving happy postcards and chocolate! Stay warm–we are pretty cold here on the mid atlantic section of the Eastcoast! :snowflake:


I haven’t explored the games yet – tags, lotteries, direct swaps, round robins. I will look into these.
I agree that Postcrossing is a special place! So glad to be here.


Hello, happy to meet a new friend on postcrossing.
Stay safe en keep that smile on!

Greetings from the Netherlands! :grinning:


I feel the same way. glad you found us


Hi everyone,
I’m a returning member - I took a long break after a family tragedy, but now I’m back and
busy sending lots of cards again…

Yesterday a random member from another country messaged me to say how much
he enjoyed reading my profile!
It was such a sweet message, he had just come across my page by accident (he didn’t get allocated my address or anything). Of course I read his profile too, which was a joy.

I think Postcrossers are such lovely people, and I’m glad to be among them again.


I also deal with a few mental conditions. Postcrossing helps me as well. It’s a nice outlet for me to escape my perfectionist thoughts because of OCD. It is amazing how wonderful people are on postcrossing someone sent me a whole parcel once for a tag! I forgot the name but I might be able to fine her…

A found it lol

She was @Hannaadi88
She puts so much into her cards and tags


It was so nice of you to put into writing what so many of us just think of post crossings. I am a fairly new member too and am in awe of how well organized the website is. In this day and age when so much communication is done on the computer, it is a delight to find a postcard in my mailbox!


I am actual in qarantine because i have many heamatomes and it could be an unknown illness. But i hope doctor will find the reason fast. So i know how happy can make a postcard or letter. Nice that ypu have these hobby.


thanks for sharing, it’s true, postcrossers seem to be loving of everyone and accepting. It seems to differ from other internet groups i have seen in the past.
It seems like everyone is interested in doing a nice kind thing for a stranger across the globe, which is refreshing.
When I was new to postcrossing, a veteran postcrosser kindly sent me a few blank postcards to welcome me aboard. I’d love to pay it forwrd and send you a few cards,nothing expected in return. Just like to pay back the kindness I was shown to you! If you are ok with this, would you mind pm’ing me your address (not in a reply to this message. private message is best)
I wish you lots of mail in your mailbox and many cards traveling from you


Nicole, I sent you a PM. Thank you for your kindness.

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A few weeks ago, my husband and I celebrated our 40th (Ruby) wedding anniversary. Three months before, I wrote about it on my profile, so that anyone who was sending me an official card and who wanted to could send us an anniversary or a red card. And these are the postcards we received. There were many fabulous messages, really nicely thought out, and it was a pleasure to be able to share all of these with my hubby on the day. :heartbeat: Many thanks to my fellow postcrossers. :heartbeat:


That’s so lovely. It really does reaffirm one’s faith in humanity, that there are so many lovely and caring people out there.


Even the smallest candle can defeat darkness
Postcrossing is a small candle, but it works. And we need this so bad right now. To know that there are good people in the world, in all countries, there is light. Thank you.


I love how you say “even the smallest candle can defeat darkness, and that Postcrossing is a small candle.” Great way to describe it!


PCers really are the best. I’ve asked for cards several times for my fiancee (long distance relationship dragging on and on due to covid when we’d planned to be married and settled by now) and PCers have come through so nicely with messages of support and cheer-up!