Gotochi Card Swap (domestic or international)

English follows Japanese (Japanese translated by DeepL)




一番欲しいカードは以下の通りです (太字は最優先事項):

埼玉: 岩槻人形
新潟 コシヒカリ
福井: 若狭塗箸
静岡: お茶(茶娘・茶畑)、大井川鉄道、富士山
岐阜 鵜飼、郡上おどり
山口: ふぐ、萩城下町、大内人形、錦帯橋
徳島: 阿波おどり
沖縄:首里城、エイサー, 琉球舞踊, シーサー



Hi everyone,

As you know, domestic stamps will increase this fall, which means our 63 and 84 yen stamps won’t be good for making maxicards anymore (at least, not with only one stamp). I want to try to make some maxicards with gotochi cards before this happens, to use as many of my stamps as possible. Unfortunately, I am not able to find the cards I really want, so I am hoping that a few people here can help me out.

If you have any of the cards on my list (or can get them easily) I would very much like to trade with you. I can offer gotochi cards from the Kansai area (all prefectures), some with matching fukei-in on the back of the cards (or blank if you prefer). I am happy to send extra cards if you can send me different cards. If you have other wishlists, please let me know. I’ll be in Canada this summer and could send cards from there as well.

Here are the cards that I am most interested in getting (the ones in bold are the highest priority):

Aomori: Nebuta Matsuri, Hirosaki Castle
Akita: Akita Kanto Matsuri, Akita dog, Namahage
Iwate: Kappa
Miyagi: Tanabata Matsuri
Tochigi: Irohazaka
Saitama: Iwatsuki Dolls
Niigata: Koshihikari rice
Yamanashi: Kitaguchi Hongu Fuji Sengen Shrine
Toyama: Owara Bon Festival, Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route
Ishikawa: Kenrokuen
Fukui: Wakasa lacquer chopsticks
Shizuoka: Tea (tea girl/tea field), Oigawa Railway, Mt Fuji
Gifu: Cormorant fishing, Gujo Odori
Aichi: Shachi, Nagoya Castle
Yamaguchi: Fugu, Hagi Castle Town, Ouchi dolls, Kintaikyo
Tokushima: Awa Odori
Kumamoto: Kumamoto Castle, Tsujun Bridge
Okinawa: Shuri Castle, Eisa, Ryukyu dance, Shisa

The absolute highest priority is Aomori Nebuta and any of the Mt Fuji cards, then the other bold cards, followed by everything else.

I’m open to trades from now to early September. Please note that I will not be in Japan during the month of August but am open to trades - I’ll send cards when I return in September.

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Hello Rachelle,
I have Tokyo: Kaminarimon.
I will PM you.

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I have some card your list.
I will PM you :blush:

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