Got an email asking me to call someone for them?

Hey everyone!

I got an email last week through direct messages asking me to phone someone for them and tell them I am friends with them…I am not sure if this is a regular thing, something suspicious or just random?
Does this happen often on this site? Is it rude to not reply or to say no? I am not really comfortable calling someone in another country to tell them that I know this person (when I don’t) and I"m not sure what the end goal is with this type of request.

Thanks for any insight!


This doesn’t sound like something Postcrossing is about, sounds very suspicious to me. I’d report it to staff. Maybe the account was hacked or something


It’s likely a fishing expedition.
Like any spam communication … delete and forget about it. No feelings can be hurt because you have no relationship.


I don’t think it’s normal or even dangerous. I suggest ignoring this message and blacklisting the number.

I never had that. It sounds suspicious. I think I would report it to the Postcrossing team, so that they can keep an eye on it and can delete that account, if others complain, too.


This is suspicious. Please report to the admins.


It never happened to me. It is not rude at all not to reply.

Even if you were comfortable calling strangers and lying knowing someone, I would advise not to do it.
Why aren’t they doing it themselves?
What are you supposed to tell them?

Probably something to trying to get your number somewhere, but it could even be someone trying to contact someone they have restraining order against. Because it can be meant to scare the person you are asked to ring, if you are supposed to say you know this person.

I would’ve reported it at once.

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thanks everyone, I will flag the admins and then ignore the message. Even if it is nothing more than someone wanting me to call their friend to say hi for them, I don’t really want people having my number or starting some kind of ongoing communication for someone else.

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Probably a scam, and no, you do not want your number out there.


DO NOT REPLY. In the last two weeks, I got an eMails (scams) that I won the jackpot. From Burkina Faso - $5Million; from the Australian lottery $1Million.


Of course you shouldn’t do this! Just ignore or let the admins know. I once got a message from someone who wanted to send me a postcard for someone else, put a NZ stamp on it and send it as if the original person was in NZ. Really weird.

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We’ve already got a report about this issue, so we’ll follow up on it via email. :slight_smile:

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