Global Postcard Stamp Reactions

Welcome welcome! I hope you have a ton of fun and receive lots of beautiful cards! I’ve been here since 2014 and am still loving it.

In my experience folks really do seem appreciate a variety of stamps. They don’t demand or expect unique stamps, but they are delighted when they get them, and they often let me know. Almost every day a Hurray message mentions the stamps in particular. People have even said they’re jealous that we in the US have such a variety of stamps available for easy purchase from our online post.

On my cards I typically do two Forevers and an additional ounce stamp. Yes that is overpaying by a nickel per card right now but it’s workable for me. Or I’ll use an older .20 stamp and then I’m only over paying by one cent.

I typically use 3-4 stamps per card, along with washi tape, and I’m always able to write a long message! I don’t even shove the stamps all the way up in the corner or write unusually small letters either. I place the stamps a little lower, closer to where I write the address (and the space below the address is normal). No issues this way, and then the pretty stamps don’t get totally defaced by the post machines! The only time I’m a little short on space is when I print out Chinese addresses, but even that is no big deal. I’m a big fan of the beautiful stamps and a fully written card!

Here are some of my combos from the last couple of days. Almost all of these are currently available for purchase in the USPS online shop. (Shop does not charge shipping, but adds about a dollar as a handling fee.)

Best of luck :heartpulse: