German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin)

Is the design of the card available somewhere?
I’d like to print my own, since there aren’t any left with @kroete68

Aktuelle “Stempel und Information” veröffentlicht mit Sonderstempel


I am very sorry, but due to the copyright of the stamp we are not allowed to share the design.
However, we have decided to reprint another 500 postcards.
I am personally writing to all those who have already been turned down.

Due to the lack of time, I can not longer the cards.

They can be picked up on the day of the meeting at the Postcrossing Info Stand in the Museum of Communication.


Thanks! Picking up at the meeting is also fine.
I look forward to meeting you and to the card.


Moin ich kann ja leider nicht kommen kann mir wer die karte mit briefmarke (ich weis ist überfrankiert dann) zuschicken/tauschen? Ich würde mich freuen

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Kann ich gerne machen, @Angel84!

Das sehr lieb danke

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I’m sorry but I have to cancel my participation
Wishing all of you a lot of fun in Berlin.

Hallo! Ist es möglich die Karte vor Ort noch zu bekommen! Ich mag nur 1 oder 2 für mich haben! Ansonsten freue ich mich schon drauf vorbei zu kommen und mir das alles anzuschauen!



ich hinterlege die Karten am Postcrossing Info Stand im Museum für dich.

Liebe Grüße,

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Hi everyone! :wave: I was asked to pass along the information that only cash payments will be accepted at the Deutsche Post stand at the museum (not debit or credit cards), and they won’t be able to provide the customers with a receipt.

They still have the cute cancellation mark though, so we forgive them! :slight_smile:


Hopefully they have enough staff! I just imagine 100 postcrossers who would like to have the cancellation stamp on their hundred postcards… :flushed: :see_no_evil: :wink:


thank you for the info on bringing cash payments!

With regards to:

Is there a limit of cards we can bring for cancellation with the postmark? Like only the 20 each member is allowed to bring for signing? Or is that separate?

Good question! I thought it is separate… because many people ordered more than 20 postcards and I thuoght the other cards can also get the cancellation stamp (although I won’t have 100 :smile:)

Can you only get it on the stamps or also on the card if there are no stamps yet?

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as far as I know they put postmarks only on stamps on cards, envelopes…

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So it is possible to buy stamps in the museum too?? Otherwise could someone explain to me where I can definitely buy the stamps? I guess it must be at bigger post offices??

And can I bring a friend or are there too many people already? He isn’t a Postcrosser but got curious when I talked about it.

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There will be a “mobile post office” in the museum during our meetup, which sells the postcrossing stamp.
But plz notice: they accept cash only. No credit or EC cards.

Otherwise you can buy the stamp in every post office in Germany.

And I will have some extra stamps with me at the meetup for postcrossers from abroad. :kiss:


The special cancellation stamp for the meetup is only printed on stamps with a minimum value of 10ct. However, it does not necessarily have to be the Postcrossing stamp.
If the cancellation stamp (e.g. on an envelope) has already been printed on a stamp on one side, you can have an additional blank cancellation stamp printed on the same side, i.e. without a stamp.

Example or an additional blank stamp:


Of course you can do so. The museum is a public place after all.
Shall I add a “+friend” to the list next to your name? That way it’s easier for the organizing team to see how many people plan to come.