German Postcrossing stamp launch meetup! (October 7th, Berlin)

Ich hab mich auch eben gewundert warum meine Karte die ich dort zum stempeln abgegeben habe noch nicht da ist! Bin gespannt wie lange das braucht von Berlin nach Potsdam :joy: da ist ja die Postkutsche schneller!


Thanks for information. I was worry because some people told me that they didn’t get my meetingcard. So i can tell them to be patient. :slightly_smiling_face:


Ich suche von eurem Meetup die Karte. Hätte jemand Interesse zu tauschen? Wäre sooo toll!!! :sunflower:

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We had a special cancellation stamp and two people from Deutsche Post overwhelmed by the amount of cards they had to stamp.
The process of them cancelling the postage with that cancellation stamp is meant by that.

Ich tausche gerne mit Dir @Prisha, wenn sich noch niemand gemeldet hat bei Dir. Schreib mir einfach eine PN und wir finden bestimmt was zum Tauschen.

Hello, I was at the Meetup in Berlin on October 7th. I also sent postcards to Germany. To date no card has arrived. Has anyone had similar experiences?

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Yes, we all. But the first persons using the mail preview feature have said, that they should receive them today :blush:


Please look what @Speicher3 wrote some posts above.

But apparently it’s starting now. Someone on the German forum reported that the letter announcement of Deutsche Post showed them a card of the meeting.


Oh how nice - so I can hope for today, too!! Hurray!!

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I can confirm :slight_smile:

Thanks so much to @mondkind and @Namibia13 and everyone who signed for 2 wonderful cards :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thanks to Stine78my, the first postcard from the meetup in Berlin arrived today. I‘m so happy.
Many thanks to all postcrossers who were kind enough to sign my card.

There they are :slight_smile:



I’ve received my cards today as well :hugs:


mine is back to me too ^^

Auch bei mir eine erste Rückmeldung und Registrierung einer Meetup Karte aus Berlin, es macht so Freude Freude gemacht zu haben! Erleichterung!


Meine erste direkt aus dem Museum gesendete Karte ist auch heute angekommen, und zwar sogar schon außerhalb Deutschlands in Finnland:

Die Empfängerin hat eine total begeisterte Hurra-Nachricht geschickt. Sie hatte wohl den Blogbeitrag über die deutsche Postcrossing-Marke gelesen und sich sehr gewünscht, dass sie bald eine Karte mit der Briefmarke bekommt. Hat ja schnell geklappt! :slight_smile:


And today the card was in my mailbox.
Thank you to everyone who signed it!


I received several cards:

Thanks to @AnKaBeGu @frewen and @sunylovemusic for the amazing cards andvthanks to all who signed the cards. The Postcrossingstamp and special cancelationstamp ard great.


If anyone still has a card left of the official design, I’d love to swap :smiley:

Edit: swap partner found!

Today a Maxicard I got stamped at the Meetup, but that I posted myself, arrived in Thailand. :smiley: