German Postcard-Exchange

Dear all,

I am Mr. Klassen, a German and English teacher at the Ernst-Abbe-Gymnasium in Eisenach. Maybe you have heard of the Wartburg?!

I teach a lovely year 5 (11-13 year old). They asked if they can send postcards or start an English letter exchange with other students. I really hope you can be the teacher who also has a lovely class we can connect with in order to practise our English. My students have just started learning English but they’ve already put so much effort into learning the new language, so that is why they deserve learning the language at its best (not out of a book but by applying their skills).

I hope, to be hearing from you! All the best and happy postcrossing!


Hello, Mr. Klassen!

I’m a teacher of English as a second language in a neighbourhood school in Oradea, Romania. I teach 5-8 grades, but I would especially love to be able to send postcards with my 5 year kids. Most of them know English from video games or watching videos online, but I think writing to students from another country and using English in a tangible way would be a wonderful learning tool for them.

Is there anything you’d be particularly interested in writing about or learning about?

If you’d like, we would love to be your postcards pals. Here’s our address:

Ioana Nan
Scoala Gimnaziala “Avram Iancu” Oradea
str. Gheorghe Pop de Basesti 3/3A
cod 410252
Oradea, Bihor

PS. If you send more than one postcard, maybe it’d be better if you sent them all in an envelope. If you only send one, it’d be easier to not get lost.

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Hello ! I’m just a student but if you need, you can contact me ! I’m doing a degree in France :slight_smile:
Bye ! Justine☀

Hi, I’m a teacher from Taiwan. My students are 15-16 years old, but their English ability is just like children. They’re craving exchange postcards with students all over the world. I’m also interested in your project. May I know more details about it? Thank you.