FULL ! Unesco Meeting Rotterdam 23-10-2022 - 10.45h GMT

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Rotterdam
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Van Nelle Factory - Van Nelleweg 1
:calendar: DATE: 23rd of October 2022
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10.45h @ Central Station Rotterdam
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

This year Unesco World Heritage celebrates 50 years official existance.

From the central station we take the bus to the Van Nelle Factory. There we will have a guided tour and afterwards a small bus will bring us to the Chabot museum which is not far from the restaurant De Westkop (max. 5 min. by foot) where we continue our meeting and have time for lunch, chatting, laughing and oh yes signing cards.

There’s place for 15 people. Some people are helping me with organising, thinking etc. They are on the participantslist allready. Because this topic was already created here : October 22 and 23, 50 years Unesco meetup weekend in Amsterdam and Rotterdam , the list is already full. You can still subscribe but you will be on the waiting list. Eventually there will be a second meeting later this year if there is enough interest.

The cost of the tour at the Van Nelle Factory depends on the amount of participants. If 15 people sign up for the meeting in Rotterdam, it will be 15 euros/pers.

If you sign up for the meeting you agree to take part on the tour and you agree to pay them in advance. Also there will be a request to give your lunch wishes before the meeting. There will be also a meeting card. When the design is ready, we’ll show it here.

For the meetingcard see third ‘section’

Warm greetings and hope to see you there!
Maria and Veerle

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Participants list :

  1. @meidans Paid 40 cards and tour

  2. @barbizon - Paid 20 cards and tour

  3. @Florisca - Paid 20 cards and tour
    @veke250 and
    @Nelly-and-Veerle cann’t join the tour

  4. @soundstorm - Paid 30 cards and tour

  5. @Miranda78 -Paid 20 cards and tour

  6. @Leentjebuur - Paid 20 cards and tour

  7. @ElisaJ - Paid 40 cards and tour

  8. @specialhorse - Paid 40 cards and tour

    @Annerie cann’t come :cry:

  9. @blijdatikschrijf - Paid 35 cards and tour

  10. @Mir1990 -Paid 30 cards and tour

  11. @SusanneMartijn - Paid 30 cards and tour

  12. @Kushboo - Paid 20 cards and tour

  13. @Opec -Paid 40 cards and tour

  14. @yoga - Paid 20 cards and tour

  15. @ItsDunnies - Paid 15 cards and tour

  16. @dicky51 - Paid 15 cards and tour

Because of healthissues @veke250 and @Nelly-and-Veerle will only come to the restaurant. They helped me organising this meeting.
Veke paid 20 cards
Nelly paid 15 cards


Meeting card for Rotterdam

The design is aproved by @Mundoo and can be ordered until october 1st.

The price will be 30 cents per card and will be sent to you in advance, so you will be able to prepare the cards before the meeting and we will have more time to enjoy our being together, our lunch and maybe will have some time left to visit the Chabotmuseum where you will find a film on the Van Nellefactory in the cellar of the museum. The entrance of the museum is not included in the tourprice. But you can use your museumkaart if you have one.

So please let me know how many cards you would like to order. Paymentdetails for the cards and tour will follow by PM


Who wants to swap a postcard with me?

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Also here I’ll SWAP a card with you. I hope that I will be able to post it here september 5. I’m waiting for a proof to see how the quality is and how the colors will come out. The design is already aproved by Mundoo.
But first I’m on holiday for a week from today on.


wat een prachtige kaart , ik heb er 30 besteld , en ik kom

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Mooie kaart Maria! Geboekt voor 20 kaarten en de rondleiding. :blush:

Bedankt, ik heb de betalingen ontvangen en ga het zo veranderen op de site.

Ha Maria,

Thank you for organizing this UNESCO meetup, a lot of work…
I’d like to have 30 cards and paid already for cards+ tour.
See you,

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Received thank you

Good news for @Florisca, @barbizon, @ItsDunnies and @dicky51 you all can take part at the meeting and tour. Please let me know if you want to join and howmany cards you would like to have


That’s great news :relaxed: I would like to order 20 cards please. And I would like to join the tour.


Dat is zeker ook voor mij geweldig nieuws. Ik wil graag met alles meedoen en doe mij maar15 kaarten. Hartelijke groet Maria. ( dicky51 )

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Great that I can join :heart_eyes:
I’d like to have 20 cards and I have just paid for the cards and the tour.

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You’re all awesome. All cards and tour are paid. So I can order the cards early and send them to you all. That’s good because october 3rd my hand will ga in a cast for 6 weeks and that will make it more difficult to make good packages.
It’s nothing serious, but my wrist needs to be immobilised for a while to recover from an old injury and inflamation.
So sometime in the coming two weeks I’ll order all the cards.


Hello, very beautiful postcard, I want an exchange
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Hallo Maria,
Ik kom naar het station Rotterdam en wil graag een Italiaanse bol Caprese bestellen.(Ik kreeg mijn andere mailantwoord terug van de Postmaster) Groetjes van Maria…

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@ElisaJ ik ben met mijn zoon aan het kleien geslagen :jack_o_lantern::man_zombie: En het spookje hangt. Dank je wel, dit was jouw kadootje toch?

Groetjes Anke


Wat leuk om te zien Anke! Het was inderdaad van mij =D

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Ik neem die van mij morgen mee naar mijn gemeenschap. Een van de teamleden wil iets met Halloween gaan doen met de kinderen. Ik ben benieuwd wat ze ervan maken.
Ik wil iedereen nog hartelijk bedanken voor alle cadeautjes, mooie kaarten, lekkernijen en lieve woorden. Ik ben behoorlijk moe maar heb enorm genoten. De afrekening klopte op 2 drankjes na, maar die hebben ze weggestreept. Dus bedankt ook hiervoor iedereen.
Zo nu ga ik slapen, even goed uitrusten de komende dagen en dan donderdag naar Bielefeld voor de jaarlijkse meeting van ca 4 dagen. Nou ja, effectief ben ik er maar twee volle dagen.