(full)Morning Meetup in Taipei / Mar.10.2024

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Taipei / Taiwan
:round_pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Komeda Coffee 客美多咖啡 南京建國店
No. 204, Section 2, Nanjing E Rd, Zhongshan District, Taipei City, TAIWAN
:calendar: DATE: 2024.3.10
:alarm_clock: TIME: 10:30-12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN: Signing postcards, interacting with other members
Attending fee: NT$60 (6 original postcards) + own drink order(Free toast comes with your drink in the morning!)

Hello. I’m a traveler from Japan and I love Taiwan!
At the first meetup in November, I was really happy to meet so many friendly postcrossers.
This is my second meetup in Taiwan. I am sorry that the recruitment period is short and the number of applicants is small this time.
If it’s convenient for you, please join us.
I can only speak Japanese and simple English, but I want to talk with you a lot (through apps and passion)!

2. Superchick3
3. henna168
4. betty19900131
5. Lily_in_Taiwan


Your back in town. Sure I will come

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I want to join it~ Happy to see you again.

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Hello! I’m Betty.
I want to join your meetup again. : )

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@jo_jo I want join
thank you.

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I will be happy to exchange =)
My cards: обменник — Яндекс Диск
Thank you and have a nice meetup <3