[FULL] 30 March 2024 Easter Meet-up in Seoul

Greetings from Belarus. I really like your card. I would like to exchange. Here is my offer: https://postcards.framework.by/

I’d like to join and buy 5pcs of each type^^

I can swap with you.

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Hello! I liked card #1, maybe someone would like to swap with me?


I can swap with you. DM sent.

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Hello. Is it possible to find an exchange for a postcard with food? аОй, Капча!

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Hello! I wanted to swap with someone for “B: Korean Cuisine postcard” :blush:
안녕하세요~ 한국말도 쓰시면 괜찮아요. 한음식 엽서를 교환하셨으면 좋겠어요 ^^

Postcards that I have:


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안녕하세요? I hope you had a nice time at the meet-up! :cherry_blossom:
I’d love to exchange postcards with someone from the meet-up. I can offer postcards from lithuanian meet-ups in return. If you’re interested, please DM me :love_letter:

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Hello everybody!
I’d really like to exchange both cards​:sparkles::eyes:
My offer Ой, Капча!

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I can swap with anyone who hasn’t gotten a response. DM me.

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If you would like a #B food postcard, I can send it to you. DM sent

if you like a #B food post card, I can send you.
DM sent

If you like a #A Landmark postcard among the Seoul Meetup postcards, I can send it to you.
DM sent

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I’m Paola from Italy, I would like to swap your postcards with Italian meetups, anyone interested in?

These are some examples of my offer, but I have others :smiling_face:

Thank you for reading :heart:

I’ll send a pm

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I would love to swap cards for the “Landmarks in Seoul”! I’m a Korean-American living in Colorado and would love to have that postcard! It’s so cute! I just had my meetup yesterday. Here is our card:


안녕하세요! I’d love to swap with anyone who has the second card!
Here is my offer: Yunjia | Zonerama.com