French langues club in Paris search penpals - middleschool - 2023/2024


We are two teachers from a middleschool in Paris. We have a languages club, and we are looking for school penpals who are learning french and who would like to practice french with us for all the year.

We are also looking for postcards from all over the world, so if you want to send us one don’t hesitate!

DM us to know our adress if you are interested.


Hello, working at a middle school in Saarland, nor fare away. Our pupils are currently 8th class and learn French or English. So prohabily your interested…?


Thank you for your answer.

Yes, for sure, we are interested !

We are a small club, around 10 students ; is it a problem for you ?

No, it isn’t. Not all of the students in my class are in French course.

So, let’s go !

Our address is :

Club Langues - collège Pailleron
Mme Lézin - Mme Torres
33 rue Edouard Pailleron,
75019 Paris - France

Don’t forget to give us your address.

Last thing : we are on holiday this evening for 2 weeks, so we won’t be able to begin the exchange of postcards before mi-november.

Best regards,

Mrs Lézin ; Mrs Torres

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Same at us. We have two weeks holidays too.
You’ll get post from us in November.

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I’ll send a card from Australia.


Hope our envellope with cards from seven students arrived well.


Yes, your postcards arrived last week. Thank you very much.

Our students will discover them on tuesday and they will begin to answer. I hope it won’t take too much time !

We’ll tell you when the postcards will be sent.

Bye bye.

Ah, très bien. Jusqu’a le Dimanche je suis sur la marche de Noel à Mitry le Neuf.


J’espère que vous avez trouvé de jolis cadeaux au Marché de Noël de Mitry le Neuf.

At last, our students have finished to write their postcards to yours.

We send them today. May be, you will receive them next week. We hope so !

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year !

Mme Lézin and Mme Torres

the cards reached us after the start of Xmas holidays.
Our students were happy to read them now, preparing the answers
this week.


We received your postcards ; thank you very much.

Et BRAVO pour votre carte en français ! :clap: Apprenez-vous le français ?

We will give them to our studends next tuesday (we see them just once a week) : they will be very happy.

We will be on holidays from february 10 to 25 ; so, unfortunately, your students will have to wait a bit to have the answer ; sorry about that.

We’ll do our best !

A bientôt,

Madame Lézin et Madame Torres

Bonjour Danielle,

Merci pour votre envoi que nous avons bien reçu.

Les réponses à vos élèves partent en cette fin de semaine ; malheureusement, nous avons moins d’élèves que vous, il y aura donc moins de réponses.

Nous espérons que cela fera quand même plaisir à votre classe.

Bien cordialement,

Mmes Lézin et Torres.

Merci beaucoup pour l’envellope avec les cartes. Après cette semaine il y a des vacances chez nous.
Notre voyage chez Paris est en plan le 28ieme jusqu’a le 31ieme Octrobre.