Frankfurt(Oder) - Słubice, 27.05.2023

:world_map: CITY/REGION: Frankfurt(Oder) - Słubice - international meeting (Polish-German)
:pushpin: MEETUP PLACE: Eiscafe Bellini, Karl-Marx-Srtrasse 7, 15230 Frankfurt(Oder)
:calendar: DATE: 27.05.2023
:alarm_clock: TIME: 12:00
:page_facing_up: MEETUP PLAN:

We cordially invite you to the second Polish-German meeting Frankfurt(Oder) - Słubice! As always, during the meeting we plan to send lots of postcards, chat with old friends live and meet new people who like us - love Postcrossing! The post office in Frankfurt is open on Saturday until 12:00, so before meeting in the cafe we ​​would like to go together to the German post office around 11:00 (sending postcards from Germany is cheaper than from Poland, so we assume that most of the postcards will be sent from Germany).

The list of participants:
Klaudia - @klaudia498
Agnieszka - @Jagoda75
Paulina - @paula-postcrossing
Monika - @mono253
Grzegorz - Gregory Gregory
Natalia - @tajaaa
Justyna - @Ladyjusti
Adam - @Jamal
Gosia - @Delillah
Kasia - @RunKate
Ute - @turtle65 +1
Antje - @Antjelino +1
Mandy - @Flowerlady
Kasia - @Lavonq
Jola - @czarownica95
Natan - @Natano
Stancy - @stancy_starlight

We have created an event on Facebook, there you can order postcards and also find information about our event:

Designs of postcards prepared for the meeting:

See you there!


Hi Klaudia,
I’ll come even though travelling by train from Berlin to Frankfurt (Oder) right now is a nightmare because of construction works :cry:

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Please add me as a probable participant. I am going to be in Berlin for the long weekend and need to check with friends if they have made plans for that day first.

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Unfortunately I have to withdrawl my previous message because I just realized that I attend already the meeting in Rostock at May 27th. Very sorry Klaudia :cry: but I cannot attend two meetings at the same day.

I see! Maybe next time we will be able to see you in Frankfurt :wink:

We invite you to the meeting! I’m waiting for more news if you attend the meeting.

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Unfortunately, I won’t be able to make it on this day. Have a great meetup though!

Sad but I understand! Maybe next time we can meet in person. I think there will be much more occasions!

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What is your meeting postcard?

In coming days we will show you card deaigns


Maybe it’s a good idea to put also this information about the meeting in “Germany” section? Although I don’t know and maybe it’s not allowed in forum or something to post it twice :slight_smile: Then maybe more people from Germany would see and know about the event

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Information about the meeting in Frankfurt was announced on the German Postcrossing Facebook group, and the meeting in Frankfurt itself was linked to German meetings if we check information about meetups from the level of the website (screens below), so I think that those people who should find out about the meeting will be know about it :wink:


Hello. I would love to receive such a postcard. I collect a collection of postcards mother and child. You can see the exchange here.

Hello ruselina! I’d be happy to exchange a postcard with you if you haven’t agreed to an exchange yet. I would like this postcard in return:

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I‘m coming as well, you can add me to the participant list for next Saturday :slight_smile:

One more Postcrosser will come with me and RunKate :slight_smile: - Natano

There are reserved 23 places in the Cafe

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We can’t wait to meet you (there will be enough space in the restaurant) :wink:

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See you there Gosia! One extra person is welcome :wink:

Thank you @tajaaa for the meetingcard. :slight_smile: