Foxglove seeds BI forum only

This is very random but open to the BI forum. My foxglove plant has been very productive this year and I have an absolute ton of seed pods about to open. Do any of you want any foxglove seeds for next year? I can pack them up and send them with a card.


I would love some @Natea.

What can I send in exchange?


Don’t worry, nothing needed! I’ll get them harvested and bagged up on wednesday (working tomorrow) and send them to you :smiley:


I would love some, Claire, if no trouble. Thank you so much- it’s very kind of you

I would love to have them. It’s perfect time for seeding right now.
Thanks will PM you my address.

Best regards

I’d love to have some if you have any more free, just decorated my balcony with some flowers.

Do you have any left xx